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           That same night, after Alfie Solomons left and Tommy dealt with some business, Leah was putting Charlie to bed. He was already half-asleep but kept mumbling for her to stay and tell him another story.

Tommy came in a moment later to kiss his son goodnight. He smiled at Leah who was sitting beside the toddler's bed. "How many stories have you told him tonight?"

"Five." She laughed softly. "I might be running out ideas soon. I'm not that creative." She admitted.

"Daddy, story," Charlie demanded with a big yawn.

"Not now, Charlie, s'time to sleep." He answered and leaned down to kiss his son's forehead. "Leah's already told you plenty of stories."

"Tomorrow will be another brand new day. I'm sure the sun will be out and shining. We'll go outside and visit the horses. Maybe we can eat lunch outside with daddy? What adventures we'll have." Leah murmured softly and tucked Charlie tighter into bed. "You've got your Ted?"

He nodded and hugged the curly-haired teddy bear to his chest. "Story." He repeated again.

"When you fall asleep soon, you'll have lovely dreams. Dreams of other worlds." She touched his cheek affectionately. "And dreams are better than any story."

Tommy stood up and watched her gently coax Charlie to sleep. It seemed like she'd been raising children for years or was just a natural. It eased the guilt he had for leaving his son while he was in the hospital. At least now he knew he had been in good hands the entire time.

Finally, Charlie's eyes slid closed and he dozed off. Leah stood and gave Tommy a smile, walking out of the bedroom with him. "Ada was right." He said quietly when she closed the door behind them. "You treat him like he's your own."

Leah winced subtly. "I'm sorry, I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to replace Grace or..."

He simply shook his head and touched her shoulder to guide her down the hall. "Charlie needs someone like you in his life. It's not a matter of replacing her. She'll always be his mother. But I feel much better knowing he's got someone who cares deeply about him. Makes me feel like he isn't as alone." He opened the bedroom door for her.

Leah nodded but she wasn't too sure. Anyone else would probably be better than her. She was worried she was getting too caught up in a life she would never have.


Grace stood in front of him. Wearing that dress. That damned sapphire. She looked pristine and with a calm and serene look on her beautiful features.

That's when Tommy noticed the gunshot wound. The blood seeping through the silky champagne of her gown.

"Grace..." Tommy tried to go and help her but found himself immobile. Helpless, just like before.

His late wife merely hushed him. "It doesn't hurt, Tommy." Her Irish lilt echoed right through him.

"Grace, I'm sorry I-"

"Wasting time on apologies, Shelby?" Tommy hadn't seen Jonah Ward in years, yet there he stood, clear as day. The man stood tall in his uniform. The clothing clean and poised. Yet, his torso was torn open just like it had been on that fateful day. Still, he looked just as at ease as Grace did beside him.

"Jonah..." Tommy's stomach turned. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where she was. I should've-"

"Tommy." Grace interrupted. "We're gone. We're not in pain anymore. But look." She directed his attention elsewhere in the haze.

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