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            "Hello, Cyril. Hello, boy. Yeah, there's a good lad." Alfie took the first few minutes to greet his dog. The bull mastiff's tail was wagging almost violently as he whined and pressed into Alfie's legs.

"Well, he hasn't missed you at all." Tommy joked.

"Dogs, yeah, they're smarter than most people, mate. Got real strong loyalties." Alfie straightened up. "Let's have a look see, then. The Shelby family." He put his hands on his hips.

"Charles, Johanna, this is Mr. Solomons." Leah introduced the man, trying not to gawk at his left eye. The injury her husband left was horrible and she couldn't imagine how painful it was. It was a wonder Alfie had survived it.

Johanna beamed up at Alfie, not too put off by his marred eye. "Hi." She waved at him.

Charlie, however, was old enough to know that most people didn't have scars like Alfie did. "What happened to your eye?" He blurted out.

"Charles." Leah bent down. "That's not nice." She scolded.

"S'alright, Leah." Alfie held out a hand to reassure her. "It's quite a story, Charlie boy. S'got dragons and monsters so if you're good, I'll tell it to ya."

The little boy's eyes widened in awe and he nodded.

"C'mon in then." Alfie let them inside. Cyril made himself right at home, trotting into the parlor and sniffing around.

"You have a lovely place, Alfie," Leah said as Tommy took her coat for her. "And right on the ocean, it's quite the view."

"Thank you, yeah, s'nice to be here year 'round now, innit?" Alfie walked down the hall. "Want tea?"

"S'pose we should sit down and have a chat." Tommy agreed.

"Would it be alright if the children played outside?" Leah wondered. She had a feeling the conversation wouldn't be something the kids should hear. Not after the confrontation the men had years ago.

"'Course, they can fucking tear up the garden if they'd like. It's getting overgrown anyway."

"Alright, I'll get them settled." Leah looked to her husband. "Maybe you two should talk first."


Charlie and Johanna went out to the front lawn to play with Cyril. Leah stood out with them for a moment before heading back inside. She entered the parlor where Tommy and Alfie were talking.

"Come in, come in." Alfie greeted her. "Just having a chat 'bout your husband's shit aim and the number he's done on me face."

Leah sat down in one of the many comfortable chairs in the parlor. Her eye was drawn to the strange oddities that Alfie kept in the room. Taxidermy animals, antiques, and gadgets that looked valuable. All things that were sure to keep the children entertained for the week that they planned on staying there. Of course, the timing was tentative. It all relied on Tommy's plan going smoothly or not.

"I was glad to hear you survived." She said but the words sounded strange and awkward.

Alfie appeared amused. "Well, you are one of the few to actually say that." He folded his hands over his stomach.

"Well, thank you for taking us in at such short notice."

"Curious to know, Tommy, how did you even find out I was dead?" Alfie didn't want to appear weak by giving refuge to the mother and children. Of course, he would protect the innocent, even if they were Tommy's family.

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