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//Just wanted to say thank you for all the support I've gotten recently! It means a lot! 

            Thomas Michael Shelby.

             Leah Mary Robinson.

She picked up the license with shock and wonder. Mrs. Shelby. She was now a Shelby.

It was nothing more than signing a few documents and citing their legal vows. But Tommy held Leah's hand the entire time. His blue eyes with a softness that was reserved for her. When he kissed her, it sealed the promise that they made to each other. Tommy would always be there for her and protect her. And if need be, Leah would care for Charlie.

But she was optimistic and the license held a possibility for them. The possibility of being a family. A family that Leah had lost hope for a very long time ago. A family that Tommy was desperately trying to hold together.

Once everything was said and done, Leah had to sit down. The lobby of the council was quiet, only a few people sifting in and out. She found a bench to sit down on as she was trembling.

Tommy followed her, not letting go of her hand. "Alright?" He asked quietly and knelt down in front of her.

She smiled and nodded even though there were tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I just didn't ever expect myself to find love again." Her hands shook as she reached forward to touch his cheek. "Never expected to make those vows again. After everything, I've done...I thought I never deserved love."

He gently brushed a thumb over her cheek to wipe away her tears. "Lee," His voice was low and soft with affection.

"When you came for me at Midland-never gave up on me. Tommy, I've never gotten over that." She admitted sheepishly, her lower lip quivering. "I fell for you then and there. I was afraid that you'd never feel the same way because of who I was."

Tommy touched his forehead to hers and brought her in close. "Doesn't matter where either of us come from. Matters where we are now. You're my wife and I'll never stop loving you. We'll be alright, aye?"

With a nod, Leah pulled back and sniffled. "Didn't mean to get all emotional." She laughed weakly and wiped her cheeks. "All weepy."

He smiled and brushed his thumb over her cheek once more before standing up. "No need to apologize." He held out a hand to help her up off the bench. "C'mon, I've got a few things to straighten out 'fore tonight."


"Mummalee!" Charlie chirped from upstairs.

Tommy smiled when he heard his son's mixed up adaptation of Leah's name. "You ought to just let him call you mum, might be easier in the long run." He slipped off her coat for her to hang it up.

"Oh, I dunno. I don't want him to..." She sighed. It was the same excuse she'd used so many times. It was a fine line that she walked every single day with the little boy. Every day, Charlie forgot about Grace just a bit more. Soon, he wouldn't remember anything about her. He was far too young when they lost her. But Leah didn't want to take the title away from the woman who had given him life. The woman that gave Tommy a son. A male heir to the Shelby throne.

But at the same time, Leah didn't want to continue to correct Charlie. She didn't want to alienate him, make him feel like she didn't want to have a family with him. If they were to have another child, Leah wanted Charlie to feel like he mattered just as much as his half-sibling. How awful it would be if Charlie felt like he was a black sheep just because he wasn't Leah's son by blood.

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