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"Yes, my love?"

Charlie looked up from the anthill he had been examining. The little boy was laying in the grass on his stomach, peering down at the mound of dirt that had been built up by the insects. Curiously watching the line of ants traveling through the grass with bits of food, their methodical marching captivating his attention for a good while.

Leah was lounging on a blanket a few feet away. She'd kicked off her shoes and stockings so she could feel the grass tickling her toes. Keeping Charlie in her peripheral vision, she basked in the warm August sun and read.

"Why were you and Auntie Pol talking 'bout babies?" Charlie asked casually.

Leah jerked in surprise. She thought the little boy had been playing quietly in the room next door when she was talking to Polly. She thought he was well out of earshot, but apparently that wasn't the case. "We uh..."

"Auntie said you got a baby in your tummy." Charlie pushed himself up and wandered over to the blanket to sit beside her.

Leah cleared her throat and placed her book to the side. She had a sinking feeling that he wasn't going to let her brush the conversation under the rug. "Well, poppet, I uh..." How on Earth could she explain pregnancy and childbirth to him when she hadn't even told Tommy yet? Not to mention she wasn't about to have that discussion with Charlie at such a young age. And yet, it was only a matter of time until she began to show. She already saw the baby bump, although others who were blissfully unaware, like Tommy, wouldn't look twice.

Gratefully, Leah saw Tommy walking across the lawn with the newspaper tucked under his arm. "Oh, look!" She redirected Charlie's attention to his father. "Daddy's come out to join us. Why don't you go show him the anthill?"

Charlie liked the idea and shot up like a rocket, dashing towards Tommy. The man smiled and scooped his son up. They had slowly begun to creep back towards normalcy after Tommy's breakdown. He and Leah made a compromise that seemed to be doing well. He would leave the majority of the business up to Arthur. And in return, Leah would support his run for election. When he brought up the possibility of being a member of parliament, she thought he was kidding and laughed. Of course, she didn't doubt his ability, he spoke like a politician when he needed to and he was more than clever enough. But this revelation came mere days after she found him on the floor in such a state of woe. So to hear that he was planning to embark on this big campaign was unbelievable to her. But he was dead serious and quickly showed her.

Before long, he was setting up a plan of action. A way to get enough votes to secure the seat. That included the women's vote. Leah wanted him to slow down. To take time to breathe after all they'd been through with Changretta. But she couldn't deny that he was in better spirits. He didn't seem so on edge or like he was forcing himself to be happy. She only wished that there would be a day when he could be satisfied with what he had.

"'N the ants get food and carry it up to the hill 'cause that's where they all live!" Charlie was chattering away as Tommy carried him back over to Leah.

She smiled hesitantly and hoped Charlie had forgotten about his prior question.

"Show me then." Tommy set his son down, kneeling to observe the anthill. "They're busy, aye? Always moving?"

"Yeah!" Charlie beamed and plopped back down on the grass. "Daddy, guess what?"


"Auntie Pol said mumma's got a baby in her tummy." He blurted out before Leah could try to stop him. "Isn't that silly?"

Tommy's head snapped up in utter shock. His blue eyes finding Leah. Completely frozen, he barely heard Charlie continue to ramble on about how babies didn't live in tummies and that Frances had said they were delivered by storks.

Leah sheepishly met his bewildered stare. For a moment, she couldn't read his expression. He obviously looked stunned but she couldn't tell if it was in a happy or angry way. Then his eyebrow raised, asking her a question without speaking. He wanted to know whether it was true or not.

Slowly, Leah nodded and let a hand slip to her abdomen.

A second wave of shock knocked Tommy right in the gut. He shakily got to his feet and walked over to her. She stood to meet him and opened her mouth to explain. To apologize for not telling him earlier.

But he didn't give her the chance. Instead, he enveloped her in his arms, hugging her tightly. Leah let out a quivering laugh and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Tears came to her eyes, tears of relief. He wasn't upset. He was happy. They could be happy.


They didn't talk about it until Charlie was asleep in bed. Tommy figured it would be better to discuss the best plan of action for telling his son. The little boy still thought it was a riot that Polly thought babies lived in people's stomach.

"That's where food goes, daddy, it's so silly!"

Tommy agreed that it was silly just so Charlie wouldn't ask any more questions and further complicate the matter.


"Did Polly tell you the gender?" Tommy asked quietly.

They were sat in bed after Charlie had finally fallen asleep. Intertwined with each other as they spoke softly in the dimly lit room. Leah draped her legs over Tommy's lap, her husband holding her close.

She pressed her forehead to his cheek and smiled. "A girl. Won't that be perfect? Charlie'll be the best older brother."

Tommy smiled in disbelief. "A girl..." He whispered. "I can hardly believe it."

"I was so shocked but I'm happy." Leah touched his cheek and lifted her head so she could meet his eyes. "Are you happy?"

"Of course." He replied genuinely. "It's what we've wanted."

"I know, I just...I was worried that you'd be..." She sighed and chewed on her lip. "I wasn't sure if it was the right time or not."

"Wouldn't be a better time." He responded and lightly grazed his fingertips up and down her thigh. "I said we'd have a family after everything was settled in Small Heath. It's been settled so now we can have a family." He made it sound so simple but Leah knew it was far more complicated. Especially once he announced his bid for a seat in parliament.

But at least he was happy.

"Think she'll look like you? Blonde hair?" Tommy mused with a faint smile. He wound one of her honey-colored curls around his finger.

Leah shook her head. "I want her to look like you. Blue eyes and dark hair. She'll be beautiful."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see, aye?" Tommy lifted his wife up and laid her down on the bed. Slowly, and with care, he hovered over her. He pressed his hands into the bed as he lowered himself to place kisses down her body. Pausing at her abdomen, he took in the slight bump that he could now see. The little swell of her stomach and the way it looked swathed in the cream-colored silk of her nightgown. Tommy was overwhelmed with a sense of joy and pride. A daughter. His beautiful wife was going to gift him a daughter.

Smiling, Tommy kissed her stomach. Things were going to be perfect from then on. He just knew it.

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