I was hiding under the table, you know, cause I thought it was an earthquake. But after about ten minutes I came out from under the table. I then went back to looking through the building that I was in.
I scourged the building’s second floor for about another twenty minutes, before moving to the third, and final, floor. I was looking for anything that I could use to survive the cold nights that seemed to inhabit most planets in the Light Alliance.
Not that the Human race and their pathetic home world Earth were part of the Light Alliance, but they might as well be; what with the Light Alliance’s precious Chosen One being the creator of Mankind.
Bah! All of the things that I had been told about the Chosen One and his special race were lies. They weren’t special in any way. If anything they were worse than ever other sentient being in the universe.
I quickly glanced in the direction of the only way up and down the building, and almost froze when I heard voices down stairs. Then my body went into action, as I rushed down the stairs, taking three at a time.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I ran into the last person in the universe I had accepted. Blaze Darkrunner was standing before me, well and truly alive. I tried backing up, but Blaze rushed forward, and wrapped his hand around my mouth.
“If you want to live,” he whispered harshly, “Then stay quiet.”
I felt the strange being nod her head, before I loosened my grip. I was still holding on, but now she had the ability to move slightly, and I wasn’t cutting off her air passages.
That was when the next set of memory slammed into my mind.
“Run Blaze, get outta here,” I heard a strange entity shout, as some dark creature launched itself at me.
I drew an energy sword, and swung with all of my might, hoping to at least slow down the dark beast.
“You think that will stop me boy?!” the beast roared, “You are a fool! Many Angels have fallen at my hands, and I shall not me stopped by a lowly Angel such as you.”
I jumped backwards, only just avoiding the downward blow of the dark menace’s burning sword.
“Blaze, you need to get out of here now!” the strange light entity ordered, “Please, I can’t lose you now; not so soon after I gave birth to you my son.”
I lunged to the side of the dark creature, and saw the ugliest person I had ever seen. And in that instant, I knew that he was the real danger. I charged forward, my energy sword coming around in a sweeping arc.
I skidded to a halt, as the man’s head fell to the ground, before I felt the dark beast’s presence behind me. I spun around, catching the beast on its chin, causing to move back.
“Blaze, don’t do it,” I heard the light entity, my mother, call, “We need you. Please son, don’t do it.”
Ignoring my mother’s pleas, I grabbed onto the dark beast’s shoulder, and sucked into in to me. Once I had done this, I turned around and saw another man with a girl holding onto his leg.
I charged forward, the dark energy from the dark beast powering me, and I took the man’s head off, using my sword to carry the man about a metre into the air, before he fell to the ground, a sicking crunch coming from his body.

Flame Rider II: Rise of Chaos
Science FictionWARNING: WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES After his death, Blaze is left to watch the galaxy go into turmoil. Cre^dus has taken control of the Klanoat Federation, and Anna has started to have strange frozen abilities forming. Will Anna be able to master t...