Blaze was running towards us, as I got our ragtag group onto the M36 “Dirty” that we had found. There was also a M37 “Sandy” that we had been able to get back into working order.
“We’re moving now,” I heard Stephen’s voice come over the coms, “We are moving to Objective Alpha.”
“Get ye fucking arses on to the LAV you rats,” I barked, “C’mon ladies, we ain’t got all day.”
I was the last one to get inside, as I had to wait for Stephen to get into the M36, before waiting for Blaze to climb into the gun-well for the F9 HMG that was on top of the turret.
As I settled myself into the comfortable seat that lay behind the F11 Railgun’s controls and I started to wonder why the seat was so comfortable. I was brought out of my thoughts, as Blaze looked down at me.
“Get us moving Chaos,” the alien barked, “I’d tell the others myself… but you know…”
I nodded, before keying my com, “Convoy One to Convoy two; let’s get moving to the Alpha Objective.”
I nodded at Cole, as he gunned the engine, before tearing off. I could feel the Electro-Ion Fusion Core growl, as it created the hefty six hundred or so horsepower that got the “Sandies” moving at high speeds.
“What we got on this thing?” Blaze shouted over the noise of the engine.
“Well, sir, you’ll be surprised to find that this IFV has got a F11 Railgun, and that F9 “Gatling Cannon” Heavy Machine Gun,” I explained, “the F11 is a scaled down version of the ship borne light Railguns, but still pack quite a punch.
“The F9 is capable of delivering two thousand and five hundred depleted uranium rounds a minute. This little bugger may not have been designed to go toe-to-toe with tanks, but it sure as hell will be a pain in the arse for them.”
Blaze jerked his head in a nodding motion, before quickly pulling back the bolt of the HMG. I smiled grimly as the F11’s enhanced sensors picked up several unidentified targets.
“Sir, I’m picking up several insects up ahead,” Dingo informed Blaze from where he sat next to Cole, “What shall we do?”
“Hey Cole?” I asked, “Whadda do when you hit a kangaroo?”
‘You speed up,’ I heard Cole’s voice bellow in my mind.
“Damn straight,” Blaze replied, “Give the guys in the back a run for their money.”
I felt the IFV accelerate, as Cole put the pedal to the floor.
I didn’t know how I did it, but all that mattered was that I could communicate with the team. All I needed to do was get our small pack through the Klanoat group milling around in front of us.
I managed to get the first three Elites, as we had been told their name by Erath, before the remaining Elites were able to reorganise themselves and the remnants of their group.
When that happened, there was shards and plasma smashing into the sides of the IFV. I didn’t worry about whether or not the APC was behind us, but concentrated on getting Blaze, Chaos and I through the enemy lines.
Gaka-gaka-gaka-gaka. Thuddy-thuddy-thuddy-thud. Gaka-gaka-gaka-gaka.
Oaari! Whovam!
I felt the IFV shake, as Chaos fired the F11. I didn’t hear the explosion until about a minute after the Railgun had fired, and when I did, the sound was accompanied by the sound of steelcrete falling to the ground and smashing into some kind of metal.

Flame Rider II: Rise of Chaos
FantascienzaWARNING: WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES After his death, Blaze is left to watch the galaxy go into turmoil. Cre^dus has taken control of the Klanoat Federation, and Anna has started to have strange frozen abilities forming. Will Anna be able to master t...