Repulsed and Returning

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Everything was deathly silent. I was crouching behind a wall with Adrian and Zoey behind me, the grenade launcher that I had taken off one of the Elite’s in my hands. I shifted slightly, looking around the corner.

I did a quick sweep of the ruins’ perimeter, before rolling out of my meagre cover, and rushed towards the next lot. I stopped halfway, still at a crouch, as I covered the Marines rush forwards.

“Keep moving,” Blaze muttered as he passed me, “Can’t lose you, not yet.”

I grunted in response, as I brought the grenade launcher to bear, sprinting behind the group. Blaze had Erath running point, and me running in the rear. I guess having the Angel up front gave us extra warning, while having me at the back meant that if we were spotted, I could deal with the problem.

“Point, take caution when entering the ruins,” Blaze muttered into his com, “Keep an eye out for any hostiles.”

As we entered the ruins of the New Zealand government’s Parliamentary Buildings, I tensed; not naturally though, as if I was preparing for something to happen, but more like my body thought something was going happen, even if it was impossible.

“Sir, Erath says he’s spotted something,” came Doc’s voice, “If you want to keep your lunch, then hang back.”

The blasts came out of nowhere, but when they struck I knew what I had to do. I swung my grenade launcher around, unleashing four explosives at once. I saw one of our opponents land in front of me, and had a sudden sinking feeling.

We were being attacked by Dark Clones.


“Blaze Darkrunner, again we meet,” I bellowed, “But this time, I shall make sure that you do not leave this place alive or intact.”

I saw Blaze charge forward, an energy blade and an energy shield on his person. I drew my own Energy Blade, igniting it as Blaze charged at me. When he landed on top of me, I pushed off him, using my energy blade to force him back.

His shield flared, and he charged at me again, this time managing to knock me back slightly. I gathered myself, before throwing my arm out at him – in a pushing motion – and used Dark Matter to through the wingless Angel back.

“What happened to you Blaze?” I taunted, “What happened to all of that power that you had? All of that aggression? The anger?”

Blaze charged at me again, this time though, his sword almost sliced through my arm. It was only because I had moved in the same direction that he missed. I stared at me blankly, before rushing him again.

When I hit him, I threw him into a crumbling wall. His body made sicking crunch when it smashed into the wall, before crumbling into the ground. I almost turned to face off against Erath, when I heard several snap-hisses.

I turned back to Blaze, and saw three or four tendrils of pure energy surging into the unconscious Angel. His body twitched, before it jerked, and then the tendrils were retracting back into the ground.

“You really think throwing me into a wall would kill me?” Blaze stated calmly, “After all that you and your pathetic master had done to me, and after I had lived in the Nether Realm?”

When Blaze slammed into me, I didn’t see him. I just saw a blur of light; and then I was flying across the ruins, my body going tense, as I used Dark Matter to create a shield.


My shield up, I leaped after Hell-Bringer; knowing that when I land he’ll probably be fine. Memories were coming back in small flashes, but it didn’t matter, because I was in the middle of what I did best.

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