Whatever was going on was big. I knew that much; seeing everyone rushing around was enough to give me a general idea as to what was going. Dingo had also gone to great lengths to make sure that I was able to stay on top of everything.
“We need to get to the Vesican so that we can load into the APD that has been allocated to you,” Dingo stated matter-of-factly.
I grunted at Dingo, before grabbing the Klanoat Knife Rifle that I had…acquired during the Battle of Wellington. After checking to make sure that the Energy-to-Matter Converter that was installed was functioning, I placed it on my back.
As I climbed into the pod, I felt slightly claustrophobic; but pushed it to the back of my mind. Fear was a weapon that I could use, but it was also dangerous if it took over. I had learnt that the hard way after the invasion of Ralsco.
“Ten minutes before launch,” came the voice of our pilot, “Hang tight Shadow Hunters; we’ll get you onto the surface without too much turbulence.”
The Drop Ship shuddered slightly, causing my ADP to shake violently. I knew that there was a small chance of something stupid happening. But that didn’t stop the fear from creeping back to the forefront of my mind.
‘Why is this always so difficult,’ I growled to myself, ‘No way is this impossible; I need to get a grip.’
Before I could do anything else though, the Vesican was rising off the solid hanger deck of the Lordernain II troopship we had been using as the EC transportation vessel.
“This is gonna be the shortest ride of our lives,” Chaos groaned over the radio, “I reckon as soon as we hit realspace, the Klanoats are gonna come out right next to the planet and tear us apart.”
“Anymore negativity and I’ll hand you over to the Klanoats myself,” Blaze growled, “Now before you say anything else, I’d like to tell you about our role on the surface.”
“We’re all ears,” was Denna’s quick reply, “What’s coming against us Eldrid?”
There was silence for about a minute, before a display started to spread across my HUD. Although it was there in front of me, and that I could move through each of the files that were being displayed, I couldn’t actually alter any of them.
“There should be a Tactical/Strategic Overview Map displaying at the forefront of your HUDs,” Blaze explained calmly, “This is to remain active at all times so that you can be sent to a new location with ease or so that you can provide intel quickly.
“Our role in this Op will be Hard-Hitting-Unit; this means that we will be on the frontlines for longer than anyone else, but we will also be providing protection for the evacuation teams already on the ground.
“As we are protecting an ER world, if their High Command wants us to do something, then we do it. Is that understood?”
There was a chorus of acknowledgements; even none of us liked the orders. Blaze seemed satisfied with the response though, and continued.
“Alas, when the situation gets to un-defendable, you are to make your way to any of the extraction sites. Even if we could defend Lordernaft, Siel and Angalifa, we simply don’t have the resources to fight the Klanoats in a drawn out battle, so we’ll be keeping the civilians safe, and then getting off world ourselves.”
So, that was the job? Didn’t seem too hard; but there was always a catch, and this time it was us facing insultingly large forces that were technologically superior. Dingo seemed agree with me, cause he started to sift through all of the reports of engagements with Klanoats.
‘Something just doesn’t seem right,’ Dingo told me, ‘First they attack Earth, which is understandable as it is the inherited capital of all humans across the galaxy; but why this system.’

Flame Rider II: Rise of Chaos
Fiksi IlmiahWARNING: WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES After his death, Blaze is left to watch the galaxy go into turmoil. Cre^dus has taken control of the Klanoat Federation, and Anna has started to have strange frozen abilities forming. Will Anna be able to master t...