Chapter 13

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Third POV.

Just as Yuna was going to leave to go to her room, she heard a noise. It was coming from behind a fence. Sighing, she ran over to it and jumped over the fence. After landing, she rolled slightly and stood up.

Looking around, a voice was heard. "Good evening, Miss. This is Cross Academy, is it not? Oh my... I came after work so the hour is late." The man wearing glasses spoke. He had the same aura as many of the students in the school.

"You're a Vampire?" Yuna asked in suspicion.

"I see... You're a guardian too. Then tell me." His voice grew stronger and more venomous. Yuna pulled out her gun, getting ready to shoot if things go bad, she raised an eyebrow in question.

"Where is... the other Guardian?" He came running at her, before Yuna could pull the trigger, Zero grabbed the man's hand.

"Zero!" Yuna gasped out.

"What do you want with me?" Zero asked.

"Zero Kiryu... For the crime of murdering a Pureblood, Shizuka Hio. By the order of the highest authority, of the Senate, I shall execute you." Yuna raised an eyebrow in shock. Sighing she tucked her gun into her skirt a tapped her bracelet. She but an arrow in Apollo and pulled the string back, getting ready to shoot.

"The Senate takes pride in protecting the Purebloods, an yet you slipped through and killed Lady Shizuka."

"You ass-" Zero told her to back off, Yuna huffed.

"You can pay for this previous crime with your life alone. A cheap price, wouldn't you say?" Zero crushed the man's hand, he threw his head back and screamed in agony.

"How dare you crush a vampire's bones. You soon-to-be Level E!" He shouted in rage. The man drew his hand back and got ready to swing, but Zero grabbed the man and threw him to the floor. Zero drew is gun, as Yuna got ready to release her arrow.

"I'm sorry but I can no longer sell my life cheap." Yuna smiled.

"You can't escape from it. You will be executed by us. That is your destiny." Zero shot his gun, it pierced the man's flesh and he became blue dust. Then they noticed that they were surrounded by many other Vampires.

"This has nothing to do with you. So go." Zero said to Yuna.

"Nope." She said while smirking, the adrenaline already beginning to spread around her body. She put Apollo back around her wrist and grabbed Deadly Lotus from the top of her skirt. She stood back to back with Zero, the two of them were ready to fight.

Just as Yuna was about to shoot, one of them was killed. "Shizuka had done something that made it inevitable that Zero would hunt her down." Yuna glared at him. The other Vampires began to bow.

"Lord Kaname Kuran!"

"So why must Zero be executed for the purpose of upholding the sanctity of the Purebloods?" His smooth voice ran out, not revealing any of the things he believed or was feeling at that exact moment.

"Lord Kaname, if a Pureblood such as yourself interferes, we will not be able to complete our mission."

"I would ask to avoid sullying this Academy, which I hold dear from your foolish actions, you dogs of the Senate!" His eyes glowed red, killing one of the men. "Leave."

"Your choice to protect Zero Kiryu... will be duly reported to the Senate, Lord Kaname!" The Vampires disappeared.

 "Are you alright?" Kaname asked Yuna.

"What's the big idea, Kaname Kuran?" Zero questioned the handsome man in front of him.

"I couldn't ignore it. The senseless execution of a fellow student by foolish men of my race." Zero walked away. Yuna looked to the night class.

"Thank you very much! But there isn't no reason why Zero should be targeted." Her voice grew cold and emotionless.

"I know. Don't worry." Kaname walked over to Yuna, his hand gently touching her face.

"You don't understand!" Yuna exclaimed, while looking into Kaname's eyes. One of the night class students shouted something, but Yuna was too lost in Kaname's eyes.

"What don't I understand?" He said, his hand rubbing small circles on her face.

"Zero didn't kill that woman, whatever happened to that stupid bitch, Zero had nothing to do with it."

"Yuna, I'm not trying to turn Zero into a villain."

"Kaname, I'm serious." She was growing frustrated.

"And I have always been serious about you." He said, Yuna was left slightly confused.

"Zero is not the culprit." The two of them stared into each others eyes.

"This talk is going nowhere, Yuna." 

"I don't care Kaname, until you admit it..." She trailed off in thought. "I'll ignore you." Sticking out her tongue at him, she ran after Zero, while also sticking her finger up at Hanabusa while he was laughing at her nearly falling over.

Noticing that Zero wasn't in his room, Yuna went for a shower, she would talk to him after. After getting changed into some shorts and a Harry Potter pyjama top, she walked over to her room. But she noticed that Zero was asleep on the couch.

Walking over to him, she sat at the other end of it and put his feet on her lap. She began to French braid her hair, it was still damp.

"Yuna!" Zero shouted as he shot up.

"Zero?" She rubbed his leg. "What's wrong?"

"Yuna." He sounded scared. He got up and pulled Yuna onto his lap. He hugged her, never wanting to let her go. "You're alive." Yuna began to run his head. "I thought I'd killed you."

She pushed him back slightly and cupped his face. His eyes were wild and frightened. "Zero, are you alright?" She rushed out.


"Good." She said as she pulled him back into a hug. He went to kiss her, but then slumped against her. She began panicking slightly, wishing that he did kiss her. Taking things into her own hands, she grabbed his cheeks and lifted his face up slightly. Smiling at his shocked expression, she pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. His face grew slightly red.

Pulling Zero, she grabbed him and dragged him to the bathroom. Sitting him down on the toilet seat, she began unbuttoning his top. Once done, she pulled it off of him.

"Come on Zero, go for a shower, I'll be here." He blushed at her, she just smirked and turned around. He sighed and got undressed, then walked into the shower. Once she heard the water, she turned around. She sat on the floor, checking her Instagram. She liked Lydia's recent picture of her and Stiles. The two of them were surrounded by homework.

Zero told Yuna to turn around, doing so, she continued to heck her phone. Once Zero told her it was okay to turn back around. She saw Zero wearing some pants and no top. She motioned for him to come to her. He walked over to her, and she pulled him to the ground.

She straddled his lap, and began looking at his neck, the area where Shizuka bit. Noticing nothing was there apart from the tattoo, she began to gently rub it. He sighed and lent his head on her shoulder, his damp hair tickling her neck. His lips still tingling from the light kiss that came from the girl he was in love with.

"Are you truly okay, Zero?" She asked, and he just nodded. "Are you thirsty, Zero?" He tensed up, but relaxed after she began petting his head. He nodded. Yuna smiled, and moved her two braids. "There you go, Zero."

He moved to her bare neck, her choker was in her room. Slowly, he began to lick the area, she bit her lip. Then he bit into her neck, she moaned slightly, then blushed. After he had his fill, he pulled away, Lapping at the rest of the blood that he spilled. She wiped his lips, getting rid of the rest of the blood.

She smiled at him, then grabbed his hand, and pulled him into her bedroom. He sat down on her bed and got into the covers. She got in next to him, and he wrapped an arm around her. The two of them falling asleep in each others arms.

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