Chapter 23

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Third POV.

The person she loves? Well that's obvious, Zero and Kaname. But she didn't want to show any weakness, she was tempted, but she tried not to. Luckily someone shot her Uncle, before he could hurt her anymore. The things on her back were so sensitive, that it was a relief when he pulled away.

"Zero?" Yuna gasped out in shock, Rido still had a vice grip on her arms.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" He growled out, Yuna smirked slightly, her lover is here, safe and ready to protect her. She pulled away from Rido and fell to the ground in the process. Gasping, she turned around and looked towards Zero in shock.

"Zero you consumed Ichiru." She stared in shock, the power was radiating off of him.

"My how dangerous..." Rido taunted. Yuna turned to glare at him.

"You monster!" Zero raised his gun, his eyes shone brightly in the evening sky. He winced and lowered the weapon, a lump began to grow from his shoulder, it was nearly the same size of his face. He was clearly in pain, all Yuna could do was watch in horror. He fell to the ground screaming and his arm hit the floor, creating a huge dent in the floor with pieces of rubble flying everywhere. Before Yuna could jump away, Hana ran to her and knocked her to the floor, just missing the danger.

He fell on top of her and Yuna cried out in pain, whatever was on her back was very sensitive, and it seemed to not have gone away.

"Zero!" Yuna shouted in pain.

"That's the limit of an ex-human even if he consumes his twin." Rido said while walking over to Zero's tremnling figure.

"Rido!" Yuna shouted while standing up, going over to him.

"Your human vessel obtained more power than it could handle. There's no way it could get accustomed to it fast enough." Zero still trembled, and Yuna stared at her lover in shock.

"Yuna..." Zero rasped out as her began to stand, his hand grasping on the pulsing mass of flesh protruding out from his shoulder, in hopes to find some sort of relief from the pain. He fell to the floor. "Use Riptide and cut me."

"Are you in your right mind?" Hana shouted out.

"I'm not! That's why I'm telling you. That's the only way to control my power that is running wild!" He shouted out while holding his veiny hand. "It is not a weapon that will kill me!" He said while looking in her mismatched eyes. "Remember our promise."

Yuna nodded, she dropped Apollo the ground and began to run, she yanged on her Choker and grabbed Riptide, twirling them around as she ran. "Zero!" She shouted at him while getting close to him. She jumped in the air twirled and swiped at his shoulder with her twin swords. 

Zero stumbled back, and lent own to grab his gun. The Bloody Rose began to glow, he whispered something to himself while staring at Yuna, she nodded at him.

Yuna turned around and heard Rido laugh. "Interesting. Fine I'll play with you as much as you want. Kill me as often as you want. I shall resurrect as often as I want."

"I will... live and fulfil!" Zero shouted while pointing his gun at Yuna's uncle. It began to pulsate and shoot out beams of light, killing all of the Level E's present. It shot through Rido's side. Looking at Zero, she saw green vines surrounding his body.

"Quite a spectacle." Someone said, but Yuna was unsure as to who it was.

"Where's Rido?" Yuna asked while standing, grabbing Apollo from the ground and swinging it around her shoulder, wincing as it hit the things on her back, and held tightly to her twin swords. "He's still here somewhere." Zero ran and jumped off of the roof. Yuna began to follow him, but Hana grabbed her and pulled her close. She cried out in pain.

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