Chapter 16

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Third POV.

"So are you sure about this? It's not the kind of place I'd recommend." Papa asked his two girls. Yuna had spoke to Yuki the previous night, Yuki had been having the same nightmares as Yuna was.

"Zero, are you sure it's okay for us to go?" Yuki asked Zero, Yuna and Zero had been off with each other.

"You guys want to find out for yourselves, right?" He looked to Yuki, ignoring Yuna all together. Yuna was hurt, but continued to hold Yuki's hand. This could be the moment where they discover where they came from. Yuki nodded in response.

"Well, I'm more worried about Kiryu than you two, Yuki, Yuna. He is in a very sensitive situation right now." Yuna nodded, trying to ignore what her Papa had just said.

"They wouldn't kill me the moment I walked in, just because I'm a vampire now."

"That's true, but..." Zero turned around to shout at the two men following them.

"Why are you two following us anyway? This isn't a parent-child entrance exam!" Yuna smirked at Yuki.

"Well we're worried since it's just the three of you... right?" He turned to Yagari. The group of three just walked away.

"This is the Hunter's society Headquarters." The people around them were staring.

"They're not looking at you, so don't worry." Zero reassured Yuki, while Yuna was looking around from her position. One of the Hunters walked past and winked at her. Yuna giggled slightly and blushed. Zero glared at the person till he scampered away.

"Bye." Yagari walked away.

"Huh? Yagari! Where're you going?" Yuna spoke for one of the first times that day.

"Maybe he's meeting up with a girlfriend?" Yuna choked, imagining him on a date cause peels of laughter to escape from her mouth

"Impossible." Zero deadpanned. The group began to walk.

"Hmmm... The building has a spell to repel vampires. Are you already domesticated?" A stranger said while looking at Zero. He looked at Zero's tattoo. "Oh yeah, you've been branded."

"Hey, you stupid piece of shit, clearly this building doesn't have a charm to repel idiots or else you wouldn't be here." Yuna spat, glaring at the man who's chest she came up to.

"So this kid is the master." He said while smirking down to Yuna, she glared straight up at him.

"Fuck off you sack of shit, I hope a-" Yuna spoke in English, Yuki covered her mouth before anything more was said.

"I think that's enough." Yuna turned to glare at the person who interrupted her, it was a person, they were wearing a Kimono and had their hair tied up. "Zero is truly one of us. As a Hunter, he was born into that excellent Kiryu family. With his vampire powers, he will be a valuable ally in time to come." They walked to them.

"It's been a long time, Society President." Zero calmly spoke, his mouth was quirked up the smallest of amounts due to Yuna's outburst.

"My, how you've grown, Zero. And? She's your girlfriend." The president bent down to Yuna's height, staring at her. Yuna's eyebrows shot up. Zero grabbed her by the back of her jumper and pulled her back.

"I've come to take a look at the Society's reports from ten years ago."

"Ten years ago?"

"I'd like to add my request as well." Their Papa requested.

"These things are closed to the public, but if Cross insists. I'm giving you special access to them." The President said. Yuki asked Zero about the President, but Yuna blanked it out, not really caring. "Here is the archive." They stopped in front of a massive door.

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