Chapter 19

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Third POV.

Whenever Yuna closed her eyes, there was always so much blood. So much agony and hatred. She hated it, it hurt so much and she couldn't imagine what Yuki felt like. Hopefully nothing like this. Wherever she looked she saw so much blood. They stained her hands, her walls, her bed, everything. The gift Kaname gave her was covered in it.

She tried to rub the staining off, but it didn't work. She held it tightly and closed her eyes.

"Yuna are you awake?" She heard Zero's voice. His voice was a sweet symphony, nothing compared to the horrendous screeching coming from inside her head. She jumped off her bed and ran at him. He fell to the floor with her on top of him. She stuffed her head into the side of his neck. His gentle rubbing of her back reassured her that this was all real. She sighed in relief.

"I love you, so much, Zero!" She cried into his ear. She was so scared, scared that he wasn't truly there.

"I love you too, Yuna." He said reassuringly in her ear, hoping to calm her down. And it did, first her breathing slowed down as did her heart beat. The pain was no longer in her head, and she could think clearly. But she was still so scared, that's why she didn't move from her position on top of Zero. He played with her long hair as her breaths evened out. He truly did love her.

"Zero, I need to change. I'll see you in a bit." She said in his ear. He nodded and stood up. She walked with him to the door, and she opened it for him. She kissed him on his jaw and closed the door.

She slid down the door, to collect herself. But she saw the blood again. She whimpered and hid her face in her knees.

A breeze came from the window, lifting her had up, she saw snow, Kaname and Yuki. Yuki had long hair and was crying gently at Yuna's terrified expression. Yuna stood up and ran at Kaname and Yuki, her older twin had grown a few inches, she hugged them and cried into their stomach. Kaname began to gently rub her head as Yuki rubbed her back.

Zero barged into the room, and stared at Kaname and Yuki in shock. Yuki was nearly the same height as Zero now and had long hair. She held herself with more respect and grace. Kaname was rubbing Yuna's sobbing form.

Kaname knocked Yuna out.

Yuki ignored Zero, only caring about her little twin sister. The two jumped out of the window, with Yuna.

"Everything is red, Yuki, Kaname. All I wanted was to remember, remember our past." Yuna sobbed out, Kaname's power did nothing to calm her down.

"Yuna, it's all right. Let's wake you up once, before you were broken." Yuna nodded, trying to calm down. Kaname bit into her neck, while Yuki bit into her wrist.

"Kana! Yuki!" Yuna screeched in pain, this was nothing like Zero's bite. He covered her mouth.

Everything felt like it was being broken then mended back together. Her skin was on fire, as was her eyes. Oh her eyes, they felt like someone was stabbing them repeatedly. Then it felt like they were rebuilding themselves, just to be stabbed again. It hurt, it hurt so much.

Then she felt someone's wrist enter her mouth, their blood was pouring down her throat. They pulled their wrist away, then she felt someone's lips touch hers. They allowed the blood to enter her system through their mouth.

Yuna opened her eyes to see Kaname kissing her, but this was strange. He was pouring blood into her mouth, she turned a little to see Yuki. She was cleaning the blood from her own wrist. Yuna was so confused.

She drank the blood he gave her in confusion, she didn't know why she had to drink, but she did.

"Are you awake, Yuna? Do you know who I am?" Yes, she did. Yuna started to cry, her shaky hand touched his face, and her other touched Yuki's face too.

"My-" The sound of a bullet being loaded into a gun was heard

"I smelled the blood of Yuna... which I know very well. And..."

"Zero..." She looked up at him in love, he looked down at her in hatred. The tears leaked from her eyes.

"I sensed three vampire!" He screamed. "Kuran... You turned Yuna and Yuki into vampires!" Yuki walked in front of the two and glared up at him.

"Stop it, Zero." She spoke calmly. "Kaname and I, are Yuna's older siblings." Yuna cried even more at the sight of Zero's face. Yuna stood up and looked up at him.

"I'm so s-sorry, Zero." She cried up at him. "I lo-" The world went dark

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