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So, I was tagged once again for the songfic challenge, this time by Pi0_Human. I actually don't think I really knew this song until now, so that's a thing. 

And since I've been wanting to do something with these two for a while, but wasn't sure what... Have some teenager Joe and Cleo! But anyway, I hope you enjoy!


I was scared of dentists and the dark
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations

Believe it or not, Joe hadn't always been a master wordsmith. Or at least, he wasn't so open about his linguistic prowess. He had been a loner out of fear of how other people would react to him. Cleo was the one who got him out of his shell a little bit, and he knew he wouldn't be the outspoken poet he was today without her. 

Oh, all my friends are turning green
You're the magician's assistant in their dreams

He remembered how they first met, back when they were teenagers. He had been wandering in a more rundown part of the HUB, trying to find someplace no one would bother him while working on his poems, when he saw her, covered in spray paint, working hard on a masterpiece of parrots, painted in such a way that it looked as if they were actually flying.

Oh and they come unstuck

Their eyes met, and a startled silence fell between them. Eventually, she gave him a grin and a wave, not at all ashamed of being caught doing what some might call vandalizing. 

"I personally think that this is a better look than dirty walls." She had claimed proudly. "But another perspective might be helpful as well. What do you think?"

Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "I admire the irony of community services provided by acts usually deemed rebellious by higher authorities."

He was surprised when she laughed, one filled with such fervor that despite the necrosis, she didn't seem like someone who was technically dead, but rather someone who was more alive than most people could ever dream to be. 

A beautiful friendship was born that day.

Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man

"C'mon Joe! The water's fine, why are you still on shore?" The redheaded zombie shouted to him as he looked out over his friend on the shoreline.

A tiny voice in his mind was telling him that this was a bad idea. The air was very brisk, and the water was probably pretty cold. Cleo could withstand is, but Joe might not be able to. But that didn't matter to him. His doubts fell to the wayside, and he ran in, caution thrown to the winds,  full of elation in that moment.

I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

Quickly, they ended up engaging in a splash war, the two of them just enjoying life and having a blast. Cleo seemed to be dancing, and Joe felt as though he would see her burst into song at the drop of a hat. And he would have sung along with her, no matter how loud or off key they sounded. 

Is this movie that I think you'll like
This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City
This cowboy's running from himself
And she's been living on the highest shelf

Oh and they come unstuck

And sing they did, a song that neither of them would remember, nor knew beforehand. The words spilled out of their souls like a waterfall. They were here and now, fully entrenched in the present, and nothing else mattered at all.

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