Chapter 23

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A couple of weeks had passed and Akechi was scheduled to head back to that hospital. I went along with him since he didn't want to go alone. He was hoping he would be able to take the bandages off for good. But with how he was slowly progressing, he might have to keep them on longer. We arrived at the hospital and the nurse had us wait for the doctor.

"Are you nervous, Akechi?"

"A bit," he said, trying to calm down his nerves.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, "You'll be fine."

"Goro Akechi?"

"That's me," Akechi said and stood up.

"Come on back."

"Is Y/N allowed to come?"

"Of course."

We walked back together and we sat down. The doctor asked Akechi a few questions and then went over and unwrapped his arm. He examined the burns and asked Akechi if it still hurt in some areas. After the examination was over, the doctor left and another one came it. She looked through his file and wrote something down. She looked at his arm and wrapped it back up.

"Well, you are progressing very slowly. Like how all injuries progress. But you do not have to wrap it at nights. Only wrap it every other night. You still need to keep it covered since it seems the air is irritating it. I will give you more bandages and ointment. I will say this, whoever put the ointment on your skin did speed up the process quicker than expected."

"Oh, that was my girlfriend who did that."

"I take it you're his girlfriend."

"I am."

"You must know your stuff," she said and handed us everything we needed.

"I didn't really think much about it to be honest."

"Well keep it up and he'll heal quicker. It was nice seeing you today, Akechi."

"Thank you," Akechi said and we headed back to his apartment.

"The dance isn't until later tonight. Do you want me to meet you there?"

"Yeah," he said. "I have to do some work."

"Alright. I'll see you later tonight," I said and kissed his cheek.

"See ya tonight," he said and kissed my head.

I walked out of his apartment building and to my house. I went into my closet and picked out what I was wearing. It wasn't as formal as a wedding, but it wasn't a regular school dance. Makoto had to help me pick out what to wear when we went shopping as a group. Even Futaba agreed to come when we asked her, which we were surprised by. A few hours had passed and I started getting ready. I took a quick shower and changed. I grabbed my keys and headed to the door.

"Be sure to take pictures, Y/N!"

"I will, mom."

"Have fun!"

"I will," I said and left the house. I headed to the train station and saw a few other students from Shujin. They were excited for the dance. A few of them had their dates and were talking to their friends.

"Hi, Y/N," Haru said.

"Oh, hi, Haru."

"Are you excited?"

"I am. I'm excited to see everyone."

"I think everyone's excited."

We all got on the train and headed to the school. We all arrived and I saw Akira, Ryuji, Makoto, Futaba, and Yusuke were there waiting for us.

"Hey, guys," I said and walked over to them.

"Is everyone here?" Akira asked.

"I think we're still waiting on Akechi," I said.

"We do have some time before the dance starts. I'll grab us a table," Yusuke said and walked inside.

"Wait up," Futaba said and walked up to him.

We waited for a bit until Akechi showed up.

"Hi, everyone," he said.

I turned around and saw Akechi was wearing a tux and his hair was pulled back.

"Nice ponytail," Ryuji said, trying not to laugh.

"Ryuji," Makoto said.


"It's alright. I did get some remarks when I was on the train. But I don't really care. Y/N had suggested I did it, so I thought it would be nice to put my hair back for this."

"It looks nice," I smiled and fixed his tie.

"Are we all ready?"

"Yep. Let's go," Akira said.

We all walked into the school and headed to the gym. Yusuke and Futaba managed to get a table for all of us. We set our things there and headed onto the dance floor. I danced for a little bit and headed to the table when I got tired. Futaba had not moved since we got there.

"Hey, aren't you going to dance?"

"I'm not a dancy-type person. Especially when there's a lot of people."

"I get that. I did not know Akira was such a good dancer."

"Yeah, he's got some moves," Futaba smiled.

"You two seem inseparable. Why is that?"

"Well, there was a lot that was going on before I met them. I had asked them to change my heart and they were able to. After that happened, I see Akira as my big brother. Even if we aren't blood related, he's a brother to me."

"Family doesn't need to be blood related at all. Just look at the Phantom Thieves. They were a group of people who had no blood relation at all. But they made it feel like a family," I smiled.

"You got all of that by spending one day in the palace with us?"

"I tend to pick up on things quickly," I smiled.

"You sure do."

"I wonder how Mona's doing."

"I think he's fine since we left him in my room."

"You never know though," I said.

"Yeah. He is a clever one I will say that."

The song changed to a slow song and most of the people out there got off the dance floor. Only couples had gotten on. Akechi walked over to me and smiled. He held out his hand and bowed.

"May I have this dance?"

I smiled and stood up. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the dance floor together. We passed the others and they all sat down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Do you know this song?" Akechi asked.

"Yeah. It's Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol." (I'm sorry if you don't like this song.)

We danced, well more like swayed, in time with the music. I smiled at Akechi and pressed my forehead against his. The song was ending and he sang along with the lyrics.

"If I lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

We looked at each other and Akechi pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back and he pulled away. He put his forehead against mine and smiled.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too, Akechi."

It was in that instance, we had forgotten the world around us.

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