Chapter 27

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A few days had passed and Akechi and I headed back to Shibuya. Akechi had to check in with his boss to let them know he succeeded. I headed back home when we arrived in Shibuya. Akechi told me he was going to come over when he finished business back at the office. I walked in the front door to see my mother was asleep on the table. I walked over to her and shook her awake.

"Y/N, where the hell have you been?"

"I'm sorry, mom. Akechi and I were taking care of this case."

"What happened?"

I sat down and told her everything that had happened. She looked at my injuries from the bullets.

"You shouldn't be so reckless in that kind of situation."

"Akechi was there to help me out though."

"I'm glad you had him with you. Your other friends were worried about what happened to you. They came here and told me you had been missing from school. That was the first I have heard of it and tried calling you. It went right to voice mail. I was beginning to worry."

"I am here in one piece, though."

"Almost gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright. Just let me know when you're doing stuff like that again."

"I will."


"Good morning, sir," I said.

"Your report?"

"The suspect is captured and is being tried. We don't know when the trial is, but they will inform me when they choose a date."

"Are you and your helper going?"

"Yes. We're going to attempt to get him into jail. He needs to atone for his crimes and pay the price."

"Very well done, Akechi-kun."

"Thank you, sir."

"I have another mission for you. Here is the file folder. You don't need to start it right away, but think about it."

I nodded and I took the folder. I walked out of the office and over into my area. I set the folder on my desk and grabbed my jacket. I locked up my area and headed over to Y/N's house.

There was a knock on the door and I walked over to answer it. I opened the door to see Akechi was there.

"Hi, Akechi."

"Hi, Y/N. Shall we head over to Leblanc?"

"Sure," I said.

I closed the door behind me and we headed to the train station. We waited for the train to take us to Yogen-Jaya. When we got there, we headed over to Leblanc. We walked in and saw everyone was waiting for us. Akira was the first to notice. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Where have you been?"

"I was helping Akechi with a case."

"Did anything happen to her?" Akira asked Akechi.

"She only suffered a few injuries, but nothing major to worry about."

"You had all of us scared. Even boss was scared."

"I wasn't really scared. I was more worried for her safety," Sojiro said.

I smiled a bit, "I'm sorry to have worried all of you."

"Just tell us when you're doing something like that again."

"I will," I said.

"Now, how about a coffee? On the house," Sojiro said.

"Are you sure, boss?"

"Of course. It's the least I could do."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me. Sit down and have a good time."

We all sat down at the table and talked to one another. They asked about the case and Akechi and I shared them the details that happened.

"Sounds scary," Haru said.

"It was at first, but Akechi was there to reassure me."

"We're going to have to go to court to try against him. It's kind of the normal way of being Phantom Thieves," Akechi said.

"Yeah," Ryuji sighed and put his head on his arms.

"Do you miss being Phantom Thieves?" I asked them.

"Yeah," Ryuji said. "I liked taking down the scum of this world."

"Even though we all had our own personal gains from it, we were brought together if you think about it," Ann said. "I wouldn't have been a apart of them if I didn't see Kamoshida as the dirt bag as he is."

"And they brought light to my eyes I tried to avoid about Madarame," Yusuke said.

"They helped me get out of Kaneshiro's hands," Makoto said. "As well as try to change my sister's heart."

"They helped me change myself," Futaba said.

"And they helped me with the situation with my father, but we all know how that turned out," Haru said.

Akechi knew the air had gotten a bit tense with the mention of Haru's father.

"And then we helped Akira get back at Shido," Ryuji said.

"We were all brought together by a person who we wanted to have a change of heart," Akira said. "We weren't just the Phantom Thieves. We were a family to one another."

"And with the little time I had spent with you, I did feel like you were all one big family."

"They have a valid reason as to why they're Phantom Thieves, but my reason is selfish," Morgana said.

"Not at all, Mona," Futaba said and rubbed his head. "We don't care if you use it for personal gains. Look at me. I am here to find out who killed my mom."

"I guess we can say there are some who were Phantom Thieves for selfish reasons, but they're reasons we can understand," Ann said.

I nodded my head, "I never would of thought a band of misfits like yourselves would get together."

"I thought the same myself," Yusuke said. "It all worked out in the end though."

"I'm sorry if it felt like I didn't contribute to the conversation," Akechi said. "You all know my reasons behind becoming a Phantom Thief myself."

"Even though you were a bad person, it seems you're becoming a better one," Akira said.

Akechi smiled, "Thank you."

"I'm going to close up shop. You should be wrapping up if you guys want to catch the last train," Sojiro said.

"That's right," I said and looked at my phone. "We really should be heading back. It was nice to talk to all of you."

We all headed to the station and caught the last train for that night.

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