{~} The Idea {~}

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The three children walk out of the history room after getting paid for there mission. "That was so boring! And we only made a thousand jewel!" Gale rolled her eyes as Sylvia just shrugged. "Sylvia doesn't mind, this is Sylvia's first job without her mother or father so Sylvia is just grateful for the experience." Storm grumbled and the young mages bust through the green doors. 


The two Fullbusters turn there head to the short iron dragon slayer, "I left my book in the feild when we were looking for the teacher so she could pay us!" She shouts frantically. Gale always had an attachment to books, she treated them like gold and Storm knew if they left it she would be devastated, plus he didn't want a scolding from Uncle Gajeel. With that in mind he stomps angrily around the building with the girls close behind, he really didn't want to spend there hard earned money on new train tickets because they missed the train but he resisted the urge to run to the train station and headed twords the back of the school.

As they were about to turn the corner Gale suddenly pushed the two against the wall. "What the heck Gale!" Storm shouts but she shushes him. When the atmosphere quiets down they could hear voices.


"What do you want Haru." Nashi says. Haru had bullied Nashi ever since she came to Shizuka Prep, he always teased her about her hair and how out of place she was. The silver haired boy came up to her, Judo and Twitch following close behind. "What did you say to me brat? Don't get all high and mighty with me." 

Luke grabbed his sisters wrist, feeling her skin pooling with heat. He needed to stop this before Nashi snapped, she tended to let her magic out when she had strong emotions."That's enough, were just waiting for our brother and than we will be on our way." Luke turned around with Nashi to walk to the other side of the feild. "Yeah walk away you coward, no wonder your father never is around, he's probably so much of a wimp that he cant find a job." The five howald with laughter as Nashi could hear Mixie's annoying high pitched laugh through the others, she was about to respond but a low growl interrupted her.

Luke had let go her wrist and his hands were now in fists. "Don't you ever..." He looked at Haru to show his onyx eyes that seemed to have fames ignite in them. "Don't you ever speak about my father like that!" He shouted inhaling a large amount of air. "Celestial Dragon Roar!" A purple, blue and black translucent beam shot from his mouth, stars shimmered as they seemed to move with it forming different constellations. The beam hit right in front of Haru sending him flying, Nashi was shocked at her brothers actions, he left a giant crater in the once grassy feild. Akita was on her back using her arms to hold her up as she scurried her feet to get up and run, Mixie was being crushed by Judo as Twitch looked like he was having a seizure on the ground.

Luke soon collapsed on the ground as well, he wasn't thinking straight and put everything he had into that roar from anger. Nashi gasped and ran to her twins side shaking him as he needed medical attention, her mother said once that a mage could loose so much magic energy that there body would destabilize and die. 

She continued to struggle to get her brother upright untill she heard footsteps coming from behind her. Nashi's head turned to see the three mages from earlier this morning come to her with concern. 

"Is he alright?" The one she remembered as Gale asked. "I-I don't know, he is for now.." Nashi started to tear up and Storm instantly went to her and threw Luke's arm over his shoulder to carry some of his weight as Nashi stood up to help. "Thank you.." she said embarrassed that she even needed help in the first place. Storm nodded as they went to the front of the building with Sylvia and Gale walking next to Nashi. "Could you help me get him home?" She asks, "Of course." In any normal situation, Storm would have left her in front of the building with a phone to call her family, but ever since he laid eyes on the pinkette he felt he had to more. 

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