{~} Fairy Tail {~}

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"Come on Gajeel!" 

A short, blue haired women draged her husband down the busy streets of Magnolia. Her wavy blue hair was held back by a flower print yellow headband and wore an orange dress with white accents and detachable sleeves. "Alright, alright, calm down Shrimp." Gajeel's deep voice said. Gajeel had a long mane of black hair and distinct metal piercings. His dark sleeveless shirt with black pants and a black fur coat draped over his shoulder stood out in the crowd. 

Gajeel had recently came back from a job the last night and he promised his wife to be the first ones at Magnolia Public Library. It was now early in the morning  and Levy was fighting her way to be first. They finally arrived at the large wooden doors, a sign hanged above the entrance saying "Magnolia Public Library". 

The married couple walk into the deserted library. "Looks like I kept my promise, we're the first ones here." Gajeel said, walking to the empty wooden librarian desk that was in the front of the large room. "I'll be upstairs if you need me, you can stay in the little kid zone to read your cat books." Levy calls, already half way up the large staircase that lead to  the adult section. 

Gajeel's face held embarrassment as he trotted his way twords the maze of book cases. The library was organized in list alphabetical order so he looked for the 'C' section, which happened to be by the sitting area that was filled with bright colored bean bag chairs and couches. Grabbing his personal favorite book, The Big Book of Cats, he sits on a pastel yellow arm chair and reads.

A giggle interrupted his chapter about panthers. The black haired mage turned his head to see a little girl in a red cherry patterned shirt with white leggings. The child tilted her head to look at the cover of the book. Gajeel's eyes widens, 'Who would leave there kid here like this?' No one else was in the library, and he couldn't just leave her, so her close his book harshly and awkwardly picked the child to his face level. "What are you doing here?" He didn't expect her to give him a complete answer, just a few simple words to help him out, but the childs lips remained sealed.

He threw her over his shoulder so her pink head was facing his back and walked off to find Levy until her tiny hands reached out behind him. Gajeel's red eyes rolled as he saw the small plushie on a dented beanbag which he figured she sat in. He grabbed the small dragon and handed it to the baby before walking up the stairs. 

Levy had a pair of odd looking red glasses which she used to speed through the ancient language books she was reading. "Uh, Shrimp?" Her hazel eyes looked up and was surprised to see Gajeel holding a child. She stood up and made her way to her husband. "I found her all alone, no one was there." Levy took the girl from Gajeel's strong arms. "Who would leave her like that?" She asked, moving some of the soft pink hair out of her onyx eyes. 

"I don't know, but what should we do?" The solid script mage darted her eyes forming a plan before saying. "We will take her to the guild, see if Cana can do a prediction on her and Wendy can check if she is hurt." Gajeel held out the small red dragon. "She had this with her." Levy examined the toy before pointing at the flame that had the word 'Luna' on its hind leg. "Is that her name?" He asks. "I don't know, but I guess we'll call her that for now." 

Levy cradled Luna in her arms, placing the dragon in the babys small hands. "Come on Luna, lets get you to Fairy Tail."


"Come on Luna, lets get you to Fairy Tail."

Igneel was holding Luke by the collar of his dark green shirt, preventing the boy from blowing there cover. They walked the dark streets to find a place to sleep until they found the library that was about to be closed. The kids slept there for the night and in the morning went to the bathroom stalls of the library to change into some new cloths. 

Luke, staying true to his word, only  brought some pajamas and, now, empty wrappers much to his disliking, he did how ever manage to bring one extra shirt and was wearing the same pants. Igneel, however, did not have any cloths to bring and wore the same thing he was going to wear to school, a dark blue shirt with the same brown leather vest and some black pants. Nashi wore a lime dress with some detachable sleeves. Luna managed to get away when they were changingand now they were hiding behind the 'Famous Artifacts' bookshelf.

"How could you let them get away like that! They have Luna!" He said still trying to get away from his brothers grasp. "Exactly, if we ask for her back they could want to know where our parents are." Igneel responded while eyeing the blue haired ones left shoulder blade that had a mysterious orange outlined mark. Even the dark haired man had the gray mark on his left shoulder. 

The children had never seen there parents guild marks, Natsu always kept it hidden by linen and Lucy's with a glove. There mother was never afraid to talk about the guild with her children even if it pained her, but the thought of showing the kids the very thing that connected her from something she had tried to escape scared her, she couldn't let her family be branded to Fairy Tail, even if she wanted to. 

"Wait, they're taking Luna to Fairy Tail? We could follow them." Igneel nodded in agreement as he let go of Luke's collar once the loud 'thud' of the doors shutting came, indicating that the couple had left. The three quickly grabbed there bags and ran out the doors to follow them.

Luckily the streets were full of people trying to make there way to work so the kids just had to blend in with the crowd. So much for that. The children were used to the streets easy streets of Shizuka, not the bustling ways of Magnolia. With every step Nashi almost tripped on something or someone, Luke kept on straying away from his siblings to look at the new foods the merchants were selling, and Igneel was loosing sight of the mages. 

Igneel quickly grabbed his siblings hand and fought his way through the crowed, but when the wave of people came to an end there was no site of Luna. "Damn it!" Igneel wasn't much to swear, but he had just lost his little sister, it was all his fault. 

"Hey Iggy?" Nashi said looking behind her sulking brothers. "Look..." The pinkette pointed twords a gorgeous building. 

The boys eye widened and Nashi noticed something on the floor in front of the large building

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The boys eye widened and Nashi noticed something on the floor in front of the large building. Picking it up she saw the familiar stuffed dragon Luna had seemed to drop. 

"She's here."


Sorry I re wrote this chapter a bunch of times 'cause I couldn't figure it out. Also I didn't know how to do the guild justice and discribe it so I just but I put a picture up for reference 😋 Hope ya enjoy 👋


1275 Words

Thu. May 30. 19

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