{~} Explosion {~}

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"Sho be do ba, tat ba shoop." 

Gale quickly scatted to herself and closed her eyes trying to devise a plan. "I got it!" She said suddenly and snapped her fingers, opening her eyes to look at her comrades who were all sitting in front of her with hopeful eyes. "We'll follow them into the building." She said excitedly and everyone sighed. "That's not a plan Gale." Storm muttered. 

"Actually it is, the only way for them to cover a whole building is by hiding it with a barrier, the building can't be invisible or we would be able to see the people inside." Gabriel ranted using his large hands to make gestures. "If we follow them into the barrier we will be able to see the place no problem. We just have to get past the magic circle surrounding it."

"That's actually.." Storm paused before looking at the dark-haired male with surprise. "Really smart." 

"Of course it is! I ain't no pea brain like you snowflake." Gabriel grumbled and Storm sent him a glare. "Don't go calling me a snowflake, that's my sister's thing." The cobalt eyed boy started to raise his shirt but Sylvia slapped his hands away, mumbling something about 'not the time to fight and strip'.

"We don't have time for this, let's go." Lirah started to lead the way but Calypso picked her up from the ground once again, using his paw to cover her mouth to block the surprised shriek he knew would be coming.  

After all the flying partners picked up members of there team, Storm was still left on the ground. "Why is it always me!" He whined. 

Suddenly the boy heard voices. "Happy, we should be helping the other's form a plan." The posh voice of Carla came. "But Carla." Happy whined stretching her name. "I'm hungry, besides we all know, in the end, Natzu's going to go with Plan T." 

Storm hid in the bushes, interested in the exeeds.  "I'll catch up with the other's later." He muttered and watched as the blue furball dived head first in the lake he and the other white exeed were at, looking for his precious 'fishies'. 

"What's Plan T?" The white exeed asked and picked some blueberries from a bush nearby. "Take it by stor-" The cat shrieked as he saw his beloved bring the berry close to her mouth, Happy zoomed at her side at once and slapped the fruit out of her paw. "Carla! That's poisonous, you don't know how many times Natzu tried to eat poisonous food!"  

Carla paid no mind Happy's words, instead, she watched images flash across her head. Water surrounding Luna, Nashi holding a dead-looking Luke close to her, Luke throwing himself over Gale, Igneel on the floor screaming his head off. But the last image scared her the most, it was Nashi, her eyes were red as her flame and she was chocking some white-haired man. 

"C-Carla? Are you okay? I'll get you some fishies if you need some." The blue exeed said with worry in his eyes. Suddenly the white cat started to bawl her eyes out, sobbing about the images she just saw. 

"A-And Nashi, s-she looked s-so dangerous-s." Carla continued to cry and Storm took in all the information. The boy took a moment to take it in, he couldn't believe that Nashi was dangerous but then again his father had told him many times of the white exeed's power and how it told parts future. 

The ice mage ran away from the lake and used his mage to speed away finding his team not too far off from where he was. "Sylvia was worried about Storm. Sylvia noticed how the grownups were getting ready to leave and she thought they would have to leave Storm behind." His little sister said in a whiney voice as she patted Blue's head. 

Storm shook his head and put on a fake grin. "Don't worry about me I was just stopping for some water." His teammates didn't question it and waited patiently for there fellow Fairy Tail members to get moving until Calypso took in a sharp gasp of breath. He seemed out of it for a bit but then quickly displayed a smile on his face. 

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