{~} "Pisces!" {~}

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"Are you sure we aren't going the wrong way?" The young ice mage said. Nashi and Gale both nodded, leading there team to what they hoped to be the right direction. "So hungry." Luke rasped and a loud rumble from his stomach could be heard. "Me too, and my feet are killing me!" Lucky complained even though he flew most of the way.

Gale giggled at there childish acts. As Team Luke made their way down the path a loud snort could be heard near them. "What was that?" Nashi said under her breath. 


A large green monkey-like creature suddenly appeared in front of the children. The monster had a purple face and weird heart-like patterns on its arms. Gale let out a shriek, not of fear but excitement. "It's a forest Vulcan!" She said with glee doing a little dance. "I must get a hair sample."

All her teammates gave her weird looks but she ignored them. The montres monkey looked at all the humans in front of him before grunting. "NO WOMAN HERE, ONLY GIRL." He boomed.

The Vulcan was so upset that not a single busty figure was in his sight that he swiped up a distracted Gale and sniffed her "WHERE WOMAN!" He said in a questioning tone, or more like screamed. 

The navy haired girl was to busy in her little world that she failed to answer the beast. To this, the Vulcan was about to smash his large hand onto her tiny body but a very large amount of weight was suddenly added and his hand failed to make it from above his side. He soon realized that his fist was frozen solid in its place beside him.

"Now Storm!" Luke yelled. "Yeah, yeah, don't tell me what to do squinty eyes!" Storm said nonchalantly before his and Luke's fist made contact with the monkey's head, the celestial flame, and ice creating a powerful surge that sent the creature flying and the girl falling to the ground before both exeeds had wrapped their tails around her.

As the cats placed Gale down and the girl looked around in a daze. "What is wrong with you, you could ave got hurt!" Nashi scolded her friend. "S-sorry Nash-chan but." Gale pumped both her fists in the air, one of them holding a green string. "I got hair!"

Her teammates rolled there eyes and laughed, not knowing how close they were to the location and that Levy could see and hear everything. A smile grazed her lips, the vibe from the group brought her great familiarity. 

Every time this sensation came to her a headache would appear, she tried talking to Wendy about it but when the dragon slayer thought of possible reasons she was also affected by the dull pain. But not this time, the bluenette wasn't going to let the pain stop the feeling of warmth and happiness that overcame her from this weird feeling, so instead of questioning why, she just enjoyed it.

"Sylvia thinks we should start going again before any other monster try to attack Sylvia or her friends." The cobalt girl said, laughing a bit at the end. "Although if a monster took love rival away, that wouldn't be too bad." She muttered under her breath.

"I don't like him! For the last time!" The pinkette yelled. The stalker child sent her rival one last glare before continuing on the trail. 

The team passed by a couple more trees before coming to a field with a stand in the center and Gale's mother smiling at them. "What a surprise, you guys are the first to make it." Her daughter looked at her mother hopefully, Gale was indeed a bright child but had a lot of self dought about herself and constantly looked to her mother for approval. 

"The next task is to decode a message." Levy said simply and turned around to pull something from the stand."Wait, that's too easy." Gale said, knowing her mother must have had a trick up her sleeve.

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