{~} All Fired Up {~}

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Natsu stood there for a while, unsure of what to do. The pinkette wasn't all that smart when it came to certain- most- things but when he actually took the time to think through the situation, he was mastermind in battle. Especially when something so important was on the line.

Natsu looked both ways, to his left were more dark hallways leading to a maze of rooms, but to his right was a dead end, a tiny window towards the top of the wall blocked by iron bars.

"Hap, bring me up there." Natsu said quiety, not trying to gain any attention, he needed the element of surprise on his side. Happy wrapped his slender tail around his partner's waist and lifted him up to the window. Natsu placed his hands on the bars and melted them, enabiling enough room for him to melt the glass aswell and make the tight fit through.

He didn't even have to tell the exeed, Happy just flew down the flat wall and stoped at a certain spot. "Is this it?" The cat asked and Natsu nodded, smelling the fimilair sent of his loved one.

"They're all here."


Ketsu mindlessly focused on the Eclipse gate, the pressured force from the energy it was giving off not fazing him. Not even the loud sobs that were happening behind him stopped his focus.

Kanashi had a blank expression as she held up her pale hand to the blonde, the purple magic circle forming around her palm. While the black haired woman remained emotionless, Lucy on the other hand was bawling her eyes out.

She had no control over it, so many painful memories played in her head over and over again like a never ending curse, her heart feeling as if it was suffocating, trying to be squeezed from out her ribs. The worst part was that even though her heart had healed from her painful past, these memories came from places all over in her brain, so she didn't have time to calm herself down nor did she have the time to tell herself that the past was in the past. It was just pain, both physically and mentally.

Enenra huffed as he watched Kanashi have her fun, he knew getting into Lucy's head would be the best way to 'convince' her to open the Gate but he still wanted to have his own fun.

He sighed boredly, but was amuzed by the faces of horror on the children. Igneel was sitting silently, a look of pure rage on his face, and his hands in balled fists behind his back. He knew it was pointless but he stilled tried to flow magic through his palms, not just fire like he ususally did, but celestial too, but nothing got passed the chains.

Luke on the other hand was screaming and yelling, his body was most injered out of all the people in the room, but he still continued to fight and yell with all his might but Enenra agressibly grabbed his chains and threw the young boy to the ground.

"I should kill you for what you did!" The green haired man yelled. "I'm not scared of you." Luke muttered and continued to struggle. Enenra just laughed. "Oh but you are." He said and roughly grabbed a fistful of his blonde hair forcing his head to face Lucy. "It doesn't take Kanashi's magic to tell your afraid for her." Enenra than forced him to look at Nashi, who looked broken, just stairing blankly into the distance with Luna barely managing to keep her eyes open.

"And them." He then turned to Igneel, who was boiling with anger and met Luke's gaze. "And him."

"Isn't that right?" The blonde took a deep gulp of air, he was scared, but he didn't want to show it, he was stubborn.

"You don't know anything!"

"Then why don't we test that?" Enenra grabbed the back of Igneel's shirt and dragged him across the floor, his right hand flowing out a blue gas. "This gas will burn his eyes out if it get's too close to his face, so why don't you tell me exacty how much you love your dear brother before he loses his sight."

Luke was left in complete shock, he was so stubborn, and now his older brother was going to pay for it. "No stop!"

The green haired man chuckled but Igneel knew he was not bluffing. The blonde smiled and looked at his brother, forcing as much magic power into his palms as he could even if it had no effect. "Oi idiot!" He yelled and Luke looked at him with teary eyes.

Igneel gave his brother a concerned look, but his eyes showed that he had a deeper meaning towards his actions. He mouthed one word to his brother.


The blonde was so focused on his anger that he failed to catch the sent of his father, who smelled very close. The boy nodded and crouched slightly. "Call me an idiot one more time and I might just leave you, freak." The boy said and Enenra growled, usuing more force to grip Igneel's arm.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Luke shook his head. "I drowned you before, now it's time to burn ya." It was quiet for a moment but after a while Enenra screamed with laughter. "What's with the shot of confidence, eh?" He asked with a smirk.

"Because, they're all fired up, like me."

Long time no see! I was able to take some much needed me time so thank you all for being so patient. I'm so tired, I spent most of the day filming a piolet and memorizing lines that I almost forgot to write the chapter, so sorry if you guys feels it's short.

I missed you guys SOOOO much and I'm going to try harder to please you guys. I'm going to be honest with you guys, I was having major writers block when it came to the ending, that's why have been stretching the book (not just because I'm evilllllll!) so I promise you the last chapter was the last filler chapter!

I'm issuing a warning right now that we are five or less chapters away from the end so don't forget to vote on the voting chapter for the next book and check out my Idea Book, I have some drafts I will be publishing so help me bring those stories to life!

Love you guys!

Nov. 9. 19

1091 Words


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