{~} Help On The Way {~}

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"You idiot! We should have never left the guildhall."

"It's not my fault Zappy got us lost!"

"Will you all shut up!" Gale's voice cut the bickering. Currently, the children were in the middle of nowhere, literally, just wondering the forest mindlessly hoping to find some sort of trap door or secret base. 

Gale took a deep breath and then turned to Lirah. "Are you sure this was the way they went?" Gale asked calmly and Lirah nodded. Suddenly Misha came down to the ground, transformed from her bird body to her human one, the exeeds by her side. "We searched the sky, they're a little ways off east." Calypso stated and pointed in the directions. 

"Alright, but we can't just walk up to them, we have to follow them and still keep up pac-" 

"Up we go!" Lucky wrapped his tail around Gale and lifted her off into the sky, Calypso doing the same to Gabriel and Blue to Lirah. "How does my sister fly like this!" Lirah shrieked and covered her eyes, scared of heights. 

Misha giggled at her cousin's actions and turned her whole body into a big colorful bird and gently clung her talons on Sylvia's shoulders, lifting her up into the sky.

"Hey what about me!" Storm yelled and watched his guildmates fly off into the distance. "Storm Fullbuster does not get left behind." The raven-haired male said to himself and started making a path of ice in front of him, skating at rapid speeds through the forest and shooting cold mist from his hands to propel him even faster. 


Natsu casually sniffed the toy that was in his hands, the scent of his youngest daughter still lingered on it.

"Why would these jerks even rip up a stuffed animal?" Gray said thoughtfully and leaned against a tree. "Well, if I was a kidnapper I wouldn't want any trackers or communicating devices hidden with my captives, they must have been looking for one."  Erza stated and Gray gave her a weird look.

"How do you know th-"

"I have my ways, Gray." She snapped, cutting him off and sending a glare that made the ice mage shiver. 

"Hey, Luce?" The nickname was so familiar to the other teammates but to Lucy, it was an old friend she hadn't seen in a while, Natsu hadn't called Lucy 'Luce' for at least 7 years. "Do you still make Nashi bathe in those weird bubble bath soaps?" Lucy huffed, just like Lucy Nashi loved taking long warm baths and often used sweet-smelling soaps. 

"Yeah." The blonde muttered and her husband smiled. "When she started using them I hated it because they were the strongest smelling soaps I have ever smelled. I could be miles away from the house and still smell strawberries, and the best part is-" he pauses and takes a whiff of the doll before smelling the air. "-they were so strong that the smell almost never wore off."

A grin slowly seeped onto Lucy's face and the pinkette continued to sniff the way and walk in a direction. "This way." Natsu said confidently, the faint smell of strawberries and vanilla leaving a trail in the forest. 

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled and flew beside his best friend. "I smell it too, cats have a great sense of smell you know." He crossed his blue paws over his chest and made a left. "Uh, little bud? It's this way." Natsu pointed in the opposite direction and Happy swiftly moved there. "Of course, just checking if you knew."

"Sure." Lucy mumbled, sweat dropping at the stupidness of the blue furball. "Stupid cat." 

Team Natsu (and Juvia) made their way through the forest, not noticing the children following them in the air and on the ground. 


Nashi's eyes snapped open.

The girl tried to take note of her surroundings but only could see swirls of dark colors. "Iggy?" She called to her older brother, trying to focus her eyes.

"I'm right here Nashi." Igneel said gently, she looked over to see her brother's arms chained above his head. "What-" 

The girl was about to move her arms but found them constrained above her head much like her brother. Igneel shushed her and when silence fell they could here loud screams. "Luke!" She said a little too loudly. 

Murmuring was heard from wherever they were, low footsteps came from around the corner to reveal a black-haired lady looking at them through the bars of the cell. "Well, good afternoon." Kanshi kept a low voice looking at the kids with sad eyes. 


The corner's of Kanashi's mouth turned up slightly, but her eyes remained watery and sad. "You've been asleep for a while." 

Igneel was about to question this but Nashi was quick to respond. "Where's our brother?" Her voice was laced with venom, but the 'sad' woman's smile seemed to grow. "Enenra thought it would be fun to take a turn." Just then a loud shriek that was unmistakably Luke's rang through the dark place. "Looks like he's testing his new mustard gas."

Nashi scoffed at the name. 'What kind of name is that?' But a loud gasp came from Igneel and he started to struggle. "You could kill him!" 

Kanashi shook her head. "Not if he has a couple of breaks in between." She stated simply and then her eyes darted to Nashi. "Maybe you could be more compliant?" 

"What makes you think you'll get a word out of me after what you're doing to Luke!" The woman's face remained it's emotionless look.

You have a strong spirit, like your twin." She then lifted her hand. "We found out that even with all that pain, he's still going strong." Even with these words, a magic circle formed around her hands and Nashi screamed in agony. 

"But pain to others can cause the soal to break." Continuing her torturous ways, Kanashi put her right hand out, holding the knocked out Luna by her shirt. "So what do you say, Iggy?" She said in a mocking way.

Igneel looked between both his sisters, fear coming to his heart. Tears were already coming freely out of Nashi's eyes and a cut was visible on Luna's forehead, who knows where she got that. 


The woman put her hand down, Nashi panted, glad that her pain was over but gave Igneel a questioning look. The girl was too much into the pain and memories playing in her head that she didn't hear whatever Igneel did to make it stop. 

"What do you want me to do?" If looks could kill, Kanashi would have been overkilled by now. Again she gave her rare, scary smile.

"You're going to convince your brother to open the gate, or this little one's neck is going to be snapped." She waved the baby's limp body around carelessly and then pointed to Nashi. "And you are going to undergo some." She paused for a moment to open the cell doors and walk over to the girl, looking into her eyes. 

"Special treatment." 

Another chapter is done! Updating tomorrow! Also, I'm starting school again on Wednesday, but the book is almost over I'm not worried about it, just expect the chapters to be earlier in the day. 

Also if you guys don't know what mustard gas is, it's nothing to laugh about I can assure you, it's actually really dangerous. If you've guys seen the Wonderwoman (2017) it's that gas they used, if you haven't seen it, it's a deadly gas that they used in world war II. I thought it would be cool to include it but I did not research so I have no idea if your exposed to it for a short period of time if you'd still die, but let's just say for the purpose of this chapter that you won't die but will still undergo the same effects (mildly, we can't have Luke's skin burning off)

I recently went out and I got a ton of mosquito bites, so now I'm over here trying not to itch. BUT IT'S SO HARD NOT TO!

I hope you guys liked it! I'll see you guys for the next chapter tomorrow. 

Sun. Sep 11. 19

1370 Words


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