{~} Fairy Tail's Strongest Team Is Back {~}

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Natsu stood in front of the guildhall he hadn't seen in a long time. This was it. He took a deep breath, pushed down all his emotions, and walked in. 

It really hadn't changed to the dragon slayer, sure some renovation was done but it was still home. As soon as he walked in he was greeted by a hug from Lucy, hot tears came out of her eyes and she sobbed into his chest. "They're gone again, someone took them from us.." 

The pinkette wrapped his hands around his wife, all the anger from before gone. Natsu made the decision to do something he hadn't done since the day he left her and Igneel for the first time. He was going to be there for his family. 

"I know." He muttered into her hair as he leaned his head against hers. "But we're going to get them back and make the monsters who did this pay." 

As they pulled apart, Lucy wiping her face, Natsu finally got a glimpse of the people he loathed and yet missed. 

"It's good to have you back Natsu." Gajeel muttered, but his wife paid no mind to him and ran to Lucy. "Lu-chan!" 

"Levy-chan!" Lucy shouted back and met the short girl in a hug, soon Mirajane, Cana and Erza also joined the group hug. The redhead then pulled away and walked over to Natsu. "Natsu." Her voice was stern, in any other scenario he would have run and hidden but he stayed in his place. The requipt mage than pulled his head to her chest, making a bonking sound as his head came in contact with her chest plate, forming a 'hug' in Erza's mind. 

Hugs, tears, and happiness were shared around the guild until a small voice was heard in the crowd. 


Before the two had time to respond Happy knocked them both over, the exeed buried his head in Lucy's chest and wrapped his tiny arms and tail around Natsu. "Why did you guys leave me, did I do something wrong? I'm so, so sorry, I'll do anything to make it up to you guys." The blue cat wailed, thick tears running down his cheeks. "I'll give you all my fishies, anything, I'm sorr-" The cat was cut off by the pinkette grabbing his friend and crushing him in a hug. "You did nothing wrong little bud."

After a few moments, Erza wrapped her arms around the three and nudged her head to Gray who just huffed and stood to the side sending Natsu a glare for all the attention, who just sent it back with equal ferocity. 

A quick flash of light came to the team and the saw Mirajane holding a camera, bawling her eyes out. "Fairy Tail's strongest team is back!" She yelled and cheers filled the hall.

"Now let's get to work!" Erza called, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. "We have four children who are missing, we are Fairy Tail, we never leave out friends behind!" The other members nodded in agreement. 

"But how are we going to find them?" Carla said thoughtfully, trying to calm down Happy who was still sobbing. 

"I have an idea!" 

A glowing light surrounded the blonde thirteen-year-old, she gracefully walked to Natsu and Lucy and gave them a warm smile before pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket. "I've been thinking of ways to do this ever since I heard the news, it will be a piece of cake!" 

Onyx met brown, everything was going to be alright. Mavis would show them a great plan, Team Natsu would get the kids back, they would be a family again.

"I'm afraid not." 

Master Makarov had a glum look on his face and he looked Natsu in the eye. Gray was wrong. "You are not allowed here Natsu." 

The pinkette clenched his fists trying t control his anger. "What?" He said angrily.

"You heard me." Those were the same words he used to kick him out, and the fact that he was using them so carelessly made dark thoughts of harming the old man come to his mind. The dragon slayer's fists lit with a flame. 

A small hand was pressed against his shoulder, he looked over to see Lucy giving him a pleading look. For her, he put out the flames. "Master please, this isn't about me or Natsu, this is about the lives of our children, the children who you all got to know." She told him pleadingly but the Master shook his head. 

The pinkette stomped his foot on the ground. "I don't know what I did, but don't let my mistakes put my kids in jeopardy!" 

Makarov quickly turned away from him, to Natsu this was a sign of disrespect, but it was really the old man trying to stop the tears in his eyes from showing. "I'm afraid your on your own." 

"No, he's not!" Erza yelled. "I wasn't there the first time this happened but I am now, I simply can't stand by." Makarov turned to see Erza and Gray standing behind Natsu and Lucy. "We're going to help them whether you approve or not." 

Natsu was about to object, not wanting to get his friends kicked out as well, but Erza sent him a warning look as if saying, 'this is my decision, not yours'.

"Sorry Master." A voice squeaked and young Wendy rushed over to her team's side. "Juvia simply cannot allow Gray-sama to go alone." Juvia nodded with her thought and took a step towards them.

"You do realize if you go through with this then I'll have no choice but to kick you out too." The old man said, hoping that these words would refrain anyone from joining. But even though no one else volunteered they all smiled, knowing very well that the more who came, the harder it could be to sneak in. 

"That's fine by us master, because no matter what we'll always have each other's backs, in the guild or not!" Gray yelled and they all walked out the doors, Happy yelling 'Aye Sir!' and Carla following behind Wendy as they did. Natsu looked around at the people he thought betrayed him, the smile that he hadn't shown in years forming at his lips. 

He then raised his hand in the air, sticking his index finger out, for the rest of the guild to see.

"But, they didn't even hear my plan." Mavis whined and little tears formed in her eyes. "Quick Gajeel comfort her!" Warren yelled, and Gajeel gave him a low growl. 

A loud slam echoed in the guild and the members realized Master had locked himself in his room again. Mira shook her head and went to check on Sylvia and Storm since their parents just left, but only found little Rin staring at Rosemary. 

"Hey, weres Gabriel?"

"I don't know Shrimp, I can't find Gale anywhere."

"Lirah, Misha!"

"I can't find the three exeed kittens!"

"Where are the kids? Master Mavis is gone too!"

Mirajane shook her head as she noticed the guild cellar door was open, the one that led to the back entrance. Quickly the white-haired mage closed it and gave it a light knock. "Find them, you guys."


"They're just like you, you know, Macky." Mavis said with a giggle as she spun around in the Master's chair. "That's what I'm worried about." The old man sighed and stood on the boxes against his window, watching as Team Igneel and Luke head out. 

"Why can't the just listen, they could get themselves killed." He muttered not knowing what to do.

"It's because there Fairy Tail!"

Hey guys! 

So when I was re-reading this I wanted to write more, but I felt it was a perfect place to stop, so instead, I'm going to post another chapter tomorrow and the day after, and then continue with our every other day schedule. 

Please don't be too harsh on the master, he is worried about them. Of course, you don't know why he's I'm doing this since I'm evil and didn't explain it to you guys yet

Also, I just had to share this with you guys, I was editing and I noticed every time I spelled Mirajane is auto corrected to marijuana. Is Mira secretly a drug dealer?

I hope you guys like it! Love yall!

Sat. Aug 31. 19

1405 Words


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