{~} Getting Stronger {~}

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Nashi squeezed her eyes shut and took in deep breaths, trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. The pinkette's arms were starting to feel numb from being chained up so long. 

After Kanashi had threatened Nashi she ordered a spy to take her elder brother to do some convincing to her twin and moved her into a different room. The room was much bigger than the cell, and the funny thing was not a single object was in it, just stone walls and a concrete floor. 

"LET ME OUT ALREADY!" She yelled at the top of her lungs but didn't get an answer. The girl then began to wiggle in her chains. "I said let me out!" Suddenly the steel door that was in front of her slammed open.

"My, my, you're quite the loud one, aren't you?" 

The man in front of her looked completely different than the many evil faces she had seen today. He had long white hair pulled into a ponytail, his red eyes stared into Nashi and he had the creepiest grin on his face. He wore pure black armor that had the words 'Toyukartsu' on the chest plate. A tall broad man followed behind him, the man wore a thick black mask over his face so Nashi couldn't see much but he had on the same armor the white-haired guy had on except it was silver. 

"What do you want with me?" Nashi wanted answers and she wanted them fast. "Woah, calm down, one thing at a time." The man ran his hand through his hair before snapping at the tall guy behind him. "Roku, stand over there." He said simply and the man complied and walked away from the two.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness, we aren't good at treating guests of honor." He ran his hands through his paper colored hair again and his red eyes help excitement. "My name is Ketsu Akuno." The 'clunk' of his boots made Nashi shake slightly as he walked towards her, scared that he would hurt her. But suddenly her arms we realised from there constraints. 

Just as the girl was going to make a run for it a blood-curdling scream left the girl's mouth and she fell to the ground.

"It's very rude of you to leave on an introduction." Ketsu walked towards the girl and pulled her hair lifting her face from the floor to look at his face. Nashi's body felt like it was on fire, and not the good kind, no, this was far from it. The pinkette felt like her skin was being burned off her body like her meat was being exposed and her blood was being burned with her skin, but when she looked at her arm it was seemingly fine.

 The girl tried to light her body, her arm, anything to attack the guy with but for some reason she couldn't ignite it. 

Ketsu chuckled slightly. "My magic is different from anything you'll ever see." His grip tightened on her hair and the searing pain worsened. 

"I'll burn this feeling into your mind, I'll make this pain be what you and the rest of your siblings will feel for the rest of your meaningless lives, day and night until death will be your only relief." He laughed madly but the man named Roku cut his fun short. "Boss! Toyukartsu." 

The pain slowly died down and the tears Nash hadn't even realized she was shedin was slowed. Nashi slowly lifted her head and looked at the cruel man, she realized during his whole rant his eyes were glowing brighter and brighter but were now dying down. 

"Do you know what toyukartsu means Nashi?" Nashi put her head on the ground, her body was still shaking from the pain and suddenly she had no magic energy, or energy at all. "It means bloodlust in Iwian." Ketsu than began pacing around Nashi's weak body. "My magic does come with a toll, the more I cause pain, the more bloodlust I have, thankfully that mato seems to calm me down. Without it, I might have killed you, and we don't want that." 

"What type of magic does that?" Nashi asked weakly, trying to compose herself but her breathing was still heavy.  

"My magic is special." His tone sent shivers down the girl's body, she tried getting to her knees but the man kicked her head as if daring her to stand up. "It takes a person's magic and turns it against them, amplifying the pain, all at the same time draining their energy." 

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