{~} The Fall Of An Era {~}

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(Time rewind, about the same time when Nashi joined the battle in '{~} Saving Luke {~}'

The heels of Ketsu's boots made clicking noises as he strutted down the halls of the hidden building. As the man stopped in front of his destination he ran his hands through his paper white hair, preparing for the frustrating conversation he was about to have. Ketsu knew if his own men aggravated him to much, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from choking or stabbing them.

With this thought Ketsu took a deep breath and repeated the one word that calmed him 'toyukartsu'. The white haired man walked into the room to see a nervous looking man he had talked to through a lacrama moments ago.

"H-hello boss-s." He stuttered and bowed slightly. Ketsu walked into the room that was full of lacrama screens that showed the many places of the building and a couple couches for the spies to sit on. This room always smelt like cigarettes and beer, things the spies often had.

"Update me on what happened." Ketsu commanded and the shaky brunette nodded and pulled up chair to one of the blurry screens. The screen showed a chained up Lirah, her right eye had a horrible black bruise and one of her legs looked mangled. "The two spies that caught her knocked her out, we'll start questioning her when she wakes up but.." The man trailed off.

Ketsu's eyes gleamed a bit and the man put a hand on the spy's shoulder, tightening his grip threateningly. "But?"

"B-but, a whole troop of our spies ran into at least two wizards in the east quarter of the building, they called for back up.." The man paused and took a breath to calm his shaky voice with no avail. "but the wizards of Fairy Tail wiped the all out. We lost at least 200 people."

A snap echoed through the room, the brunette now sat in the chair dead, his neck broken as if it was a toothpick and Ketsu's eyes glowing as if they were embers.

A growl left the white haired mans mouth until he hear the door behind him open, a guy with black hair walked in, he was about to take a bite of his chocolate donut that was in his hand but seeing his boss next to a dead body made him loose his apatite and drop the sweet treat on the floor.


The white haired man smiled and repeated his mato in his head, between all the spies the wizard had wiped out and the one he had recently killed, he could not afford to loose anymore. "These wizards are beating us, no?" Ketsu asked in his a intimidating voice.

"Yes, boss." The spy mumbled quietly. Ketsu let out another growl before continuing. "We were going to activate the Eclipse Gate when the kids were ready, but it seems with these fairies around we'll have to change our plans a bit."

"Like what?" The spy asked curiously. Ketsu's eyes sparked, he was running out of time, and then an idea came to him, an idea so vile and wicked the his eyes gleamed the brightest it ever had, because with this idea he would reach his dreams of killing Zeref faster. True, the kids weren't prepared to kill the wizard, but he had just gotten word that his enhancing cubes were complete so that wouldn't be an issue.

"I want you to teleport this. "He said tossing the blue cube to the spy. "To Kanashi, tell her to keep it safe until the new enhancing cubes come in." The spy nodded, teleporting was his magic so he could easily do the job and not get killed, wither that be by the intruders or his own boss. "Then I want you to teleport to the east quarter and see if you can figure out where those pests are heading and what's there plan."

The man nodded and started forming green magic circles around his feet, preparing to teleport to the gloomy Kanashi. "But don't come back once you have that information, teleport to our science lab and get the new enhancing cubes, then report back." Ketsu said quickly. His spy gave him a questioning look.

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