{~} Blowing Up The ECs {~}

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Fire and ice was thrown left and right as the weak spies continued to throw attacks. Natsu and Gray had there backs against each other, they were able to take out quiet a few spies but about two dozen or so were left. The spies had formed a circle around both wizards and were slowly closing in.

"These guys are getting annoying." Gray mutters and throws a punch at one in front of him before returning to his original position against Natsu's back. Both boys had mild scratched and bruises, but overall they were unharmed.

Natsu nodded in agreement at Gray's remark, his onyx eyes scanned the room. He didn't know how long he had been fighting the spies but he knew it was too long, every second that passed he could have been using to find the others. "I have an idea."

"And what exactly is that?" The ice mage shouted and sent a hammer to a solider that was braking the circle of people that surrounded them. "Round 'em up."

A smirk grazed the raven haired male's lip before he pounded his fists together. With his left had he sent a wall of ice hurdeling tords there enimes, the spies coward back at the wall but it just moved closer and closer, Gray then sent anouther wall of ice to the right of the spies. Both walls closed in until the space in between was so tight that none of the spies could move, they just piled up in between both walls shouting profanities at each other.

"Stop moving your leg, your hitting me!"

"Who's hand is that? You better move if before I chop it off!"

"Ew! Ew! Ew! I think my face is in someone's armpit."

Natsu smirked and sucked in a huge anount of air, but before he could launch an attack a boy with orange hair squeezed through the bodies. Daichi had been so skinny from the lack of food the other's gave to him, that he was able to slip out of the ice trap.

"W-wait!" The boy said nervously, holding up his hands in defence.

Natsu scoffed and blew a huge amount of fire at the spies but Gray was quick to jump infront of the boy and shield him with a small amount of ice so only the traped spies were affected.

"What the hell Snowman?" Natsu yelled. Gray scoffed at the pinkette and held out an icy hand. "Shut it pyro, we need someone to get us around the place or else we'll never find our kids."

The ice mage couldn't help but worry about his children and wife aswell. He was scared that something horrible happen to them and when wasn't there to protect them.

Daichi gulped nerveously. 'These were there parents?' The orange haired boy looked down in shame, debating in his head he would help willingly or not.

Gray took a deep breath before letting his tight grip on the teens shoulder go. "Look kid, I have no idea who you work for or what they want, but if you don't coauporate our familys could be in danger." Daichi's eyes widened for a seconded. He vaugly remembered his own family but when he looked into the ice mage's eyes all he saw was worry and some rage, rage that people so heartless could take away his nieces and nephews.

A shiver was sent down his spine at the emotions Gray was feeling, never had someone cared from him so much, at least not that he could remember. To see the raven haired male care so much about his family brought deep thoughts to his mind. He didn't want to break apart families such as Gray and Natsu's and he knew if they completed the plan many would be unborn, dead, or there fate would be disconnected from others.

Even if Zeref killed many people, he made them what they are, if they had rage they had rage, if they found love they found love. But without the dark wizard just as many people would die, history would die all together.

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