{~} A New Addition To The Team {~}

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Storms voice could be heard throughout the guildhall. "You heard me." Luke said smugly. The newly named 'Team Luke' sat at a table going over fights strategies and possible challenges the competition would through at them when Sylvia brought up the topic for what Luke decided to name the team. 

"That is totally unfair! If anything this team should have been named after me, I'm the strongest after all!" The raven-haired boy smacked his fist on the wooden tabletop. "Oh come on, that's just dumb!" Shouted Gale who was right beside the boy. 

Nashi expected Gale to reason with the males but instead, the iron dragon slayer's eyes seemed to light with jealousy. "The team should have been named after me! I'm the one who started it." She argued. 

"No, you 'suggested it' if it wasn't for me saying yes you would have backed out on the whole plan." The blonde said, folding his arms behind his head. To this, the girl's face went red in embarrassment, as she easily was, and backed down from the argument. "That still doesn't justify the fact that you named the team after you, spacewalker!" Storm said angrily and slammed his fist on the table once more. 

Nashi huffed. Her inner Lucy began to spark, becoming annoyed with the pointless bickering she held out a hand signaling for Storm to shut up. Now usually the ice-make mage would not listen to anyone, but seeing how Otoko go beat up so easily yesterday, he decided to hold his tongue. 

"Luke, that was really childish of you." The girl said sending her twin a glare. "But there's no point in fighting about it, he already signed us up as Team Luke so we are now Team Luke." 

Half an hour passed and a couple more teams signed up. "Alrighty, now that we have that settled." Came the wise voice of Makarov. 

The short man was sitting crossed legged on top of the bar counter grinning wildly. "This competition was originally formed to show off the skills of the children born in Fairy Tail." The man's beady eyes lingered at Laxus and Gajeel who both just sneered. "But it has grown into something much more, the children can have a chance to prove that they can be strong." 

He looked over all the kids. "And fearless." The master then stood up on his stubby legs, the counter giving him some height. "But most of all, it will prove that they can be proud members of Fairy Tail!" Toothy grins appeared on both the twin's face as the looked down to there right hands, the pink and red guild mark standing out on their skin. 

Makarov raised his hand up, lifting his index finger in the air, soon after that each and every Fairy Tail member copied his motion, young and old alike. Onyx and brown eyes met as the did the same. The twins didn't have to use words to tell each other what they were feeling, they bother knew they were proud.

After a while, the hands died out and Makarov continued talking. "Now this test is not only about strength but wits as well." He said pointing to his head. "Because Mavis only knows how many idiotic brats we've had in this guild."

Nashi giggled slightly. 'That's my brother alright.' The pinkette thought to herself. "The first challenge will begin shortly, I just want to make sure there are no other teams wanting to participate." 

A brief silence passed before a hand raised in the crowd. The people parted to reveal Lirah holding on tho Igneel's vest and Gabriel's shirt sleeve. "We want to participate!" She shouted.

Both boys were desperately trying to get away but Lirah had a firm grip on both articles of clothing. "No, no, no. Lirah I can't do this." Igneel whisper shouted, still trying to claw his way out of her grip. "Come on Zappy, I have better things to do than be on a team with this guy." The iron dragon slayer grumbled, still upset that his brother outsmarted him and joined the guild. 

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