{~} Memories {~}

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Mirajane's eyes widened as she saw the familiar book, the red guild symbol shining against the brown cover. Currently the Dragneel kids were sitting at that bar, feasting on some spice soup Mira had dished out for them on the house, everything was normal untill Nashi brought up the book.

"Where did you find this?" Mira whispered. If it wasn't for Nashi's enhance hearing she would have never heard it. "At the guilds library." She answered simply, scooping more of the delicious soup into her mouth. Luke gave his sister a look of confusion but Nashi ignored it. 

"Do you recognize it?" The girl asked, prying to get answers. Mira hesitantly spoke. "Um, yeah, I was the one who put it together." She recalled the moment when she and Levy sorted through there favorite pictures and created the scrap book.

Nashi's brown eyes lighted up, but before the girl could ask any more questions the guild doors opened. 

"We're back!" A high pitched voice said. Two women walked in, one with dark blue hair and the other with black hair, a man with dark purple hair followed close behind holding a little boy with black hair. 

Chatter filled the room but the Dragneels just looked around in confusion."Henry-kun! Sylvia has been waiting for you, my love!" Sylvia shouted from across the room to the boy who just hid behind the purple haired man. 

"Who are they?" Luke said rather loudly before slurping up more of his soup. "That's Romeo and Wendy, there engaged." Mira said pointing at the blue haired woman and the purple haired man. "And that's Asuka and her little brother Henry." She explained, washing Igneel's bowl who had just finished. "They went on a job together with the exeeds."

"Exeeds?" Igneel asked. 

"Lucky! Stop being such a hassle!" The children heard a different high pitched voice say and the children looked over to see a group of cats with wings. A white cat was hovering over a group a smaller cats, each had there own pattern of white and blue. "But Ma I just want to have fun!" One little cat said and started to fly away.

By this point Igneel was on the verge of fainting again, he almost always had the answers but this was something he never thought could be possible and it gave him a complete shock. The exeed called Lucky flew so fast that he didn't notice he was heading straight for Luke and came crashing into his face sending him flying off the chair. 

Luke gently pulled the cat from his face and got a better look at him. He was white with a blue patch over his right eye and his front right foot which was pushing himself up. "Sorry." The squeaky cat muttered and flew up with his white dove wings. "It's alright, but why are you upset?" Luke asked before getting up. 

The cat turned around to reveal that the tip of his tail was also blue and he had a clover shaped blue patch on his back. He point at his mother. "All I wanted to do was have some fun but she won't let me! It's no fair!" He whined. 

"I've been there before, one time I wanted to set off fireworks to celebrate my birthday but that buzz kill over there." He said nodding to his older brother. "Wouldn't let me." Igneel growled slightly. "You taped Luna to one of them you idiot!" 

Lucky laughed at this and sat on Luke's shoulder. "My names Lucky." He said. "I'm Luke." The blonde responded, grabbing his blue dipped paw to shake. Suddenly another flying cat skillfully laded on the ground, his wings disappearing, and walked over to the two. 

"Excuse me but my younger brother must come back now." He said. He was light blue with white tipped paws and a moon shaped marking on his forehead. "But I don't wanna!" Lucky shouted and flew up to sit on Luke's blonde head. The other exeed made a 'tch' sound and made his wings reappear. "You will do as I said! I am older!" This reminded the kids of Igneel and Luke but they didn't say anything.

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