{~} Emma, Erica, Enyssa, Edith, Emily, And The Little May Flower {~}

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His six sisters sat around the green haired boy, cooing at him and drowning the poor blushing male with questions. "What's her name?" Enyssa, who was only two years older then her brother, asked. "Is she pretty?" The two seven year old twins questioned at the same time, Edith and Emily were exactly alike in every way possible, from the tops of there black heads to there little toes. "Do we happen to know her?" Erica asked while pushing up her red glasses, the thirteen year old had large brown eyes thanks to her prescriptions, so large that one would think they couldn't possible fit on her face and at this particuleir moment they held curiosity.

"Guys! Lay off Enenra!" Emma yelled. She was the oldest of the seven kids, her short and scruffy light brown locks that ended at her jaw and brown eyes gave this warm effect to all those around her, almost motherly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Enenra shook his head and hid his blushing face. Emma then pulled her brother from his hiding spot in his hands and made him look her in the eyes. "Well, to bad. Your going to tell me exactly who you kissed and what happened or so help me En, I will drop you into the well outside and never look back."

The nine year old boy took a deep breath and turned to the rest of her sisters. "Her name is Vickie Arlo." He said with a blushing face, looking down.

"And? Do you like this girl?" Enyssa asked wihle chewing on one of her red pig tails, a thing she often did. "W-well-l, y-yeah.." Enenra stuttered and looked down. Instantly his sisters began to coo at him, only making his blush worse.

"I give him three weeks before he kisses anouther girl." Emily said to her twin while placing a dollar jewel and some nickles on the floor, all the pocket money she had. "Please, I say he breaks her heart in six days." Edith scoffed with a smirk and placed down a dollor coin. "And if you win I'll eat whatever you serve me without question." Emily adds making her twin's dark blue eyes gleam, Edith always wanted to be a master chef but her cooking was awful.

Both twin's new this wouldn't last, there brother had gone through so many girls and he was only nine. First there was Chelsea Hunters, the Mickie Nanra, Olive Parks, Ayanna Richards and so on. "I'm betting he moves on in three days!" Enyssa says a little too loudly and smacks five jewel bill onto the money pile. Even if she was eleven she was still very childish for her age.

"You guys are so mean." Enenra mutters and Erica patts his back. "Don't worry En! We'll always have your back. Even if all these girlfriends of yours come back to beat you up." She said with a smile and pushed up her glasses once more.



Erica slammed both of her hands on the twin's mouths. They were panicking beyond belief and she knew there mother needed peace and quiet to focus.

There mother wasn't the most responsible, she often broght random people home and had many parties. She was so unfit to be a mother that there grandma took them in and allowed the children to vsit her twice a week.

Emma and Erica shared a father, they both had his brown eyes and Emma even had the same hair as him. Enyssa's father used there mother as a place to stay and a supply for money, he cared nothing for his daughter, the girl looked a lot like him and but wouldn't remember even if she did since he left as quickly as he came. The twins' father tried to be in there life, but only there's, he wanted nothing to do with the rest of the children and when Edith and Emily refused to leave there siblings behind he ditched the twins. Lastly, Enenra, His father was the worst of all the douche bag's there mother dated, he constantly abused his mother and even threatened to kill Erica one time, that is when Emma had enough of his treatment and got him out of the house with a bat. That night was scary and bloody, but he was glad his sister did what she did.

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