Glitches & Nightmares(Turbo/King Candy One-Shot)

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This was a request by Message to requestee: thank you for being so patient!!! It took me ages because I was planning and perfecting and I eventually just decided I had to get it done. I'm a big fan of the films and hope I did it justice for you.

Dating King Candy had its perks: getting bought beautiful dresses, being protected by guards wherever you went and even a whole kingdom to share. He was almost perfect. Almost.

One day, you were just talking to him in the throne room, and he glitched. It only lasted a moment, but you swear you saw Turbo. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost." King Candy asked you, concerned.

"Hmm? Oh um- nothing. I'm fine." You replied. That was so weird. You were probably just imagining it, but what a strange delusion it was.

You would have shrugged it off easily enough if it didn't keep happening. It was like a nightmare. A constant, crazy nightmare. King Candy was concerned for you when you would zone out, so you tried not to let your worries show. But it was eating at you, and you hated keeping things from him. King Candy decided to take you on a drive. This relieved you as drives often helped you to clear your head.

"King Candy? There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while. Something I've been struggling with. The thing is-" Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his pixels shift. He turned to you as you talked to him, only it wasn't him. Turbo sat staring back at you. You closed your eyes, trying to shake the vision. But, when you opened them again, it was still him. The yellow eyes and manic grin weren't just a dream. You found you had no voice to protest with, so just turned forward in your seat. He sped up, and you instinctively held onto your seat. It was a dead end, the road leading straight to the candy cane forest. You braced yourself for the crash.

The kart splintered around you and you were thrown forward into the trees. Then you blacked out.

When you woke, you were back in the castle, King Candy standing over you. He was evidently panicked. "What happened?" You croaked out.

"You went out in the kart by yourself. You weren't in the right state of mind. You crashed. But you'll be alright, the doctors say you're very strong." You nodded absentmindedly, hoping that things would be normal now after that long, horrible nightmare.

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