Anniversary(Pinkie Brown One-Shot)

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You've always had an anniversary tradition. Since your husband died the very day after you got married, you chose your anniversary to remember him. Your beloved Pinkie Brown. After all these years, you still celebrated in the same way:

You walked across Brighton Pier, the smell of salt filling your nostrils. It helped to clear your head. You got your photograph taken every year. It was a stupid tourist thing, but you came back for it without fail. It was difficult to smile without Pinkie by your side. A collection of melancholy photos was building, but you did not have the heart to get rid of them.

Next, you bought a bouquet of flowers. Probably not something Pinkie would have been fond of, but they were a classic symbol of romance and also death. He was not given a gravestone, so you just dropped the flowers into the water, where your husband died. You couldn't help but think that you should have died with him. That way, you wouldn't be here now, feeling this profound pain and loss. You tried to remember the taste of his lips, but all you could taste was the salt of your flowing tears.

Finally, you returned home. This was always the most difficult part of the day. Even though you were fatigued with emotion, you held it together to continue. You took out your gramophone. On the day you got married, Pinkie had recorded his voice on a record for you. After he died, you were thankful for it. It kept your memory of him so much more vivid. You let out a deep breath before gently placing the needle onto the vinyl. You remained utterly silent as the familiar words rang through the room. "You asked me to make a record of my voice. Well, here it is. What you want me to say is 'I love you'. I love you..."

Your anniversary tradition was imperfect and unconventional, but then again, so was your marriage.

I watched the original 'Brighton Rock' and loved Pinkie almost instantly. And, wow, young Richard Attenborough. Sorry if this One-Shot is a bit sad, but I think it was the only believable way to get sentiment into Pinkie. Also, I started this when I first watched the film, which was ages ago, so I had to make most of it up.


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