Ups and the downs

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The pool morning had its drama part but other than that it was much fun.

Jared and Shannon were goofing around the whole day as I was giggling on them most of the time.

Later on, the three of us cooked some food, Jared being the head chef. Then just chilled in the living-room. Jared was playing the guitar and singing, this time not his own songs, and we joined him too as we all had couple glasses of wine.

As much as I wanted to stay another night, I knew I had to go home.

There was no reason for me being here now non-stop and to tell the truth I needed some alone time to think about what Shannon was telling me and what I felt more and more; that I have to move on at some point and I am thirty years old I gave all I got, now I need to concentrate on myself.

But I didn't want to just go to Scotland and never come back. I wanted to let Jared know about my plans so he can prepare; either looking for another assistant or well, prepare to do his things on his own. But for me to have plans I needed to think and make decisions.

So, when late in the evening Shannon offered to drive me home, I said yes. Although Jared asked me if I have anything what I should be home for, he didn't start nagging me in front of his brother, so he nodded silently as he walked us out.

Heck, I even felt bad leaving him alone in his own home, how should I leave him "alone" in America?

I was lost in thoughts, and while we were walking to the gates with Shannon, I turned my head back just to see Jared in his robe and the glass of wine, still standing in his doorway, watching us leave, then he slowly closed the door.

The next couple days were silent.

I was mostly home, surfing the internet, checking out what kind of jobs there are in my field open right now.

I searched in the UK as well as in California. I knew that if I want to work in the music industry, maybe at a label or a record company, my best shot is either England or California. London was closer, but still far away from my hometown, so I might as well just stay put here, in California.

I sighed leaning back in my chair closing my laptop as I looked out of the window just to see the beautiful construction work outside my house.

It was Thursday, hours before the general meeting with the band's team. It is going to be more than thirty people with the tour crew as well, and I had a job; firing Lora.

I rubbed my face as I walked to my dining table with my makeup bag and sat down in front of my small mirror and started applying some foundation.

Can't lie I felt stressful in the last two days, even if I had nothing to do. It was time to start my future. Today I am not only going to fire Lora, but also give my notice of leaving for Jared.

It was a hot day in LA and thinking back of what Jared said, I dared to put on a loose top, letting my arms free.

I took a deep breath getting out of the taxi at the studio and walked into the building.

I pushed the button of the elevator to go to the third floor where our meeting room was when I saw Lora walking into the building too.

She wore a white, lace dress, heels and her hair was up in a ponytail. When she saw me, she pushed the sunglasses onto the top of her head.

"Hey Av," she stood next to me peering at me from the side.

"Hey," I smiled, "how are you?" I asked kindly.

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