New Year's Eve - Morning

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Hey! ^^

I am looking at a busy schedule for this fall so I won't be able to post as often as I did, but once-twice a week.

Hope you enjoy this new chapter, feedback of any kind and insipirng thoughts are welcome, as always. <3

"You understanding this lifts a lot of weight off my shoulder."

I just smiled wrapping my arms around him, rubbing his back, when I heard Shannon from the doorway.

"Guys, I know you are trying to make up for the past two years, but can you continue after serving food? We are starving," he stated, walking past to check on the food as we parted with Jared.

"Sorry, it's nearly done," I smiled returning to the finger food, putting them onto a plate.

"I told her about the situation with Valery," stated Jared.

"Oh... Avery please tell me you gave him that good old slap I should have done months ago," he stated, eyeing Jared.

"I didn't," I turned towards him. "He didn't have a reason not to do it back then. Now... we just wait it out," I nodded looking at Jared who looked back to me with a light smile then we both turned to Shannon who shook his head disapprovingly.

I saw him opening his mouth to speak but looking at me he stopped himself, lifting his hands up.

I looked up to Jared stunned.

"He'll calm down. He hated the fact that I signed this contract and now he just wants to protect you. Me too and I'm sorry..."

"Jared, stop. We're done talking about this. You do whatever it is you have to; I gave you my trust. That's it," I stated as I walked after Shannon.

"Avery," he took my hand to hold me back. "Sleep on it please, and if it is something you feel like you don't feel comfortable with at all, fuck the money I'm getting out, okay?" he asked taking my other hand, entwining our fingers.

"Okay," I nodded as he leaned down for a long kiss, leaning his forehead to mine.

The evening passed by fast as the four of us finished two bottles of wine.

Somewhere after our third glass Jared, prouder than should, announced we can't drive home anymore and are more than welcome to stay. I was just trying to mention taxis exist, but Lynn was faster with her excited answer to accept the offer, so we ended up staying with everyone having their own room, and more to Lynn's excitement she got a Gucci outfit as pajamas. "If a week ago someone would have told me that the first ever Gucci outfit I wear would function as some jammies," she said with a wide grin.

The next morning, I woke up on my side, feeling Jared's warm body against my back, his face pushed into the back of my neck, feeling his every breath and most probably some drool, I didn't wanna think about.

I moaned, hugging his arms around me even more as I stretched my legs, what made him move around as well.

"Av, sleep," he muttered half asleep, hugging me back to him.

"Sorry, didn't want to wake you," I whispered and took the chance to gently turn in his arms, to face him.

His eyes were closed, his hair messy, reaching beyond his eyes by now.

I smiled, caressing his forehead and with that the hair out of his face, but most of the locks just bounced right back anyway.

I saw a light twitch of his lips into a sleepy smile as he pulled me closer by my waist.

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