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Hey there,

I know it is a rather short part but the week is hectic, so this is all I got for now and probably for this week :(

But, next one is going to be a Flashback chapter which is a great way to escape the current story line :D

Thanks for the comments, always delighted to read them! Hit me up with any ideas or anything you would like to see (or not see) in later chapters! ^^ <3

After a 30-minute of mostly silent ride the taxi stopped in front of a tall, white wooden fence.

Getting out of the vehicle, I hoped to see more of the house, but it was totally hidden from the neighborhood.

There were tall, thick pine trees behind the meter-high fence, and different bushes were reaching up high on the outside, around the driveway.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself as Jared payed for the taxi and Shannon grabbed out the suitcases from the trunk.

"Don't be nervous," Jared smiled taking my hand and squeezing it gently and I nodded with a light smile.

He took his spare keys from his bag and opening the gate he let Shannon and me walk in before he closed it back after himself.

As I slowly followed Shannon, I looked around amazed.

There was a clear, stone path leading up to the front door of the house between different trees, bushes and small statues.

"It's amazing," I smiled as I stopped to have a close look on a small cat statue playing with a ball.

"It looks even prettier in the summertime with everything blooming," smiled Jared as he stepped next to me. "Originally the trees were all planted to grow and keep the curious eyes away, but it turned out to be Mom's hobby," he explained as he followed Shannon who already rang the door bell and falling a bit behind I just had a look on the white brick house with an enormous brown wooden front door, which now was decorated with Christmas lights around.

The boys stood next to each other excited, as I heard dog barking from inside.

Jared quickly took off his hat and sunglasses, ruffling his messy, untouched hair, while Shannon caressed his own beard in place, adjusting his clothes. It made me smile how both tried their hardest to look presentable to their mother.

The door opened and Constance opened the door with a bright smile and sparkling blue eyes. I haven't seen her for a year at least but she didn't change. She was a beautiful, graceful woman of age who was now blinded by happiness as she hugged both of his sons at the same time.

"Oh, look at these fine men the wind finally blew around!" her cheerful voice filled the dull winter air then she turned hugged Jared.

"Your hair! The last time I've seen you like this, you must have been around 4 years old," she chuckled caressing his messy hair out of his face.

"I know, Mom, awkward length but trying to stay away from the straightener," he huffed.

"It's adorable. Look at that baby face," she smiled caressing his cheeks then turned to Shannon to give him a hug as well, while Jared still caressing her shoulder.

"And you... look at you, got some inspiration from Jared?" she smiled cupping Shannon's bearded face who smiled wide. "My twins!" she chuckled excited just looking at them and the boys grinned and kissed each sides of her cheeks.

They were laughing happily, greeting each other while I just stayed behind with the bags, trying not to ruin the reunion and I anyway felt way too awkward witnessing the emotional meeting and a quick thought ran through my mind if I made the right choice to join them for Christmas.

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