Small town girl

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Hey there,
Happy Midweek ya'll! 😊

Enjoy this long ass chapter whenever you have the time. I know it's a lot but I didnt want to make it into two chapters as I have a clear path I wanna take to the final parts.

I rewrote it in the last minute to have it from Jared's point of view because otherwise he would be just in the background and I thought, hmm there was no sexy time written from Jared's POV so why not; and thats the reason this chap is so long but since this is the last one I plan from his POV, I just had to squeeze it in.

I hope u all like it.

I frowned as I was woken up by a ray of sunshine hitting my face.

Stretching out my limbs, I peeked to my left just to see the empty space next to me.

The past two days Avery and I have been fighting over that picture and the articles and I really hoped today we can put it behind us and just enjoy our vacation. I missed her closeness.

When three weeks ago the pictures went online about us walking hand in hand on the street, Sky warned me that there were some nasty things going around where people rate Avery or comparing her to other girls I have been with. She also said that some "fans" were writing insulting comments as slowly everyone started to realize that Avery and I are, indeed in a serious relationship.

I know that with my silence, I give them the permission to come up with their own stories, but I was never the one to care to let the world know about my love life. There really wasn't much to tell. Until now.

I know I have to say something; clear things up, but I am not sure how or when. Avery is as much part of my life as my family and people should know I have found my forever girl. And they all should respect that, respect her.

Putting on some pants, and a white hoodie, I made my way downstairs; the wooden stairs making cracking noises under my feet.

Looking around, the house seemed empty, so I made my way out to the porch.

The house was comfortably far from the street, which gave a sense of privacy. The houses were far away from each other, only a small white fence between the farms.

Walking off from the porch and onto the freshly cut grass, the sound of a horse pulled my attention towards the barn.

Next to the barn there was a horse stable. On the wooden fence was Avery sitting, caressing the horse as she was sipping on her coffee. The soft breeze lifted some locks of her hair, gently caressing her naked shoulder as she was still in her PJs, the oversized, worn-out shirt hanging from her slim figure.

She seemed to be lost in thoughts as she didn't notice me approaching.

"Never mentioned you have horses," I smiled as I stopped in front of her.

She turned her head to look at me and nodded with a light smile.

"It never really came up," she shrugged and I already knew that she is still mad.

God, I hated when she was mad.

"I planned it all," I sighed, deciding to just tell the truth, it can't really get any worse.

She looked at me raising an eyebrow so I continued.

"Our shopping day got us more attention than I thought. You got the spotlight. People were curious, some already came up with theories and... I just wanted to protect you from all this. I know it looks bad but it was supposed to look bad. I asked Sandra to pose with me for the picture. I told her I need a distraction action. I knew if a picture like that with my ex goes up, it's going to confuse people. I knew it will make me look bad, but I was ready to take the fall, to keep you away from the limelight. It was a quick plan and I did not realize how it could backfire. How it could hurt you. I wasn't even thinking they might just put the blame on you girls being... easy. And most importantly, I wasn't realizing how just the picture itself is going to hurt you. None of this was my intention. I guess I just have to admit that I made a mistake, things turned bad, and I also realized that the only way out of this is me telling people about you. Just straight up; no games, no hiding."

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