Birthday surprise pt. 2

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Hey there,
Happy mid-week y'all ☺️

Part 100 🎉

It's a bit shorter than usual, but I didn't want to overdo it, I hope u all are going to enjoy! ❤️

Stepping into the barn, I crossed my arms as it was a quite chilly day for the summer dress I was wearing. But then again, I wasn't planning on leaving the house.

"What's going on Jay?" I asked, trying to keep my calm as I carefully stepped closer to him, hoping my heels won't sink into the ground, or no hay will stick around.

"I..." he looked around and kept his eyes on the two horses peacefully standing, looking at us.

I gulped, looking in that direction too for a slight moment before I looked back up to him.

He rubbed his palms together nervously as his forehead started to shine.

"Jared," I called out to him as his nervousness took the last of my patience away.

In myself I was contemplating how would I react if the worst of my nightmares came true; if he was just preparing to tell me he, indeed, cheated on me, because this did not look like a good surprise. Would I cry? Would I be mad? Would I be able to slap him? Should I forget about it? Should I leave him? Could I leave him?

He sent me a nervous smile as he was placing his weight from one leg to the other.

"Yeah..." clearing his throat he moved to grab my hands; his palms were soaked.

Before I could squeeze them, he pulled away, clearing his throat once again.

"Do you... remember that speech I gave before lunch?" he asked.

"Sure," I frowned.

"Yeah because... I don't know if I should tell again or... not..." he shrugged, as he pushed his hands into his pockets, then pulled them back out.

"Just tell me what the hell you did finally?" I planned to urge him but it came out weak and uncertain.

"Nothing! That's... that's the point! Nothing! I backed out because I remembered you making me promise I won't decide on big decisions without you, and I didn't want you to freak out because I am doing this in front of your whole family... I don't... know... and now it's nothing like I wanted it to be but... then these thoughts came around and... it's... maybe too soon, you are not that type of girl and..." he rambled as he looked down, moving dirt around with his foot.

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I decided to let him proceed without me interrupting.

"So the speech, you know... you remember?"

"I do," I nodded concerned.

"So it... it was supposed to end with other than "cheers". It..." he again, reached into his pocket. "It was supposed to end with a question, just..." looking down he frantically tapped around his pants until he picked something out of his back pocket, but suddenly pulling it out it dropped onto the ground next to him. "Shit! Shit!" he whined desperately.

Looking down I saw a navy blue box with a small golden lotus flower attached to the top which resembled my earrings and my hands snapped onto my mouth.

My breathing stopped.

Could that... could that be a... no. No he wouldn't. No, that's not a ring, is it?"

Leaning down he grabbed it up, rubbing it clean, as he straightened back up.

"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath, then tried to laugh it off. "The question was that... Avery, would you... like to marry me?" a sweat drop travelled down his temple as he looked at me.

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