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Heey! I am still around! Thank you for all the comments and reads, I am more than happy you enjoy it, so here is another part before I'm taking off today.

It's really just a fill but have fun with it, and I wil try to gather some ideas for the upcoming chapters :D 

 ~"Alright, let's have a Queen's night," I laughed as I continued mixing.

"Sounds just about what I need," he smiled caressing my back and gave a small kiss onto my shoulder and I breathed in deep, smiling like a happy idiot, staring into the bowl of face mask.~

"It's dripping so much," whined Jared leaning above my bathroom sink.

His hair was tide back and pushed back up with one of my hairbands, just as mine as we were applying our sticky lemon-honey mask.

I leaned above the sink from the other side massaging the face mask into my skin.

"You apply way too much," I said, but when I peeked to him, I had to laugh.

His eyes were half shut as honey was slowly dripping from his lashes, while he tried to get the excess gooey product off his beard.

"I can't see, I can't see..." He mumbled then pushed his tongue out in disgust as now it was all over on his lips.

"Jared, stop!" I laughed what made him laugh too, squinting at me.

We both were shaking from laughter by the time I finally finished mine to let it soak in.

"Last time it wasn't this yucky," he moaned, holding his hands out as well as they were full of honey too.

His eyes still shut laughing without stop.

"Last time I applied it, and I told you, you only need a drop," I giggled.

"Yeah but I have a big face," he mumbled.

"Yes, you do. Come here, you," I smiled and grabbed his wrists to turn him towards me and started to wipe off his eyes with a make-up remover gently.

He blinked a few times before he opened them back up and looked to the mirror.

"Oh... I still got my face! I felt like it was dripping as well," he said as he started to wash his hands.

"You really took literally this Queen's night, huh?" I grinned and he narrowed his eyes looking down at me.

"How long it has to stay on?" he asked.

"As long as you'd like," I answered as I walked out to the living room and turned on the tv.

"This apartment is so cute," he looked around amazed as he followed me to the living area.

"If you say so," I shrugged throwing myself onto the couch and he followed.

"Yeah. It's like, you don't need to pack a sandwich if you wanna walk from the bedroom to the kitchen," he smiled at me and I chuckled.

He really seemed relaxed and happy even though my whole apartment was the size of his living room.

We started watching South Park and washed our faces just before food arrived.

He ordered so many different take outs from our favorites, what we laid out onto the coffee table and just ate ourselves full while numbing our minds with wine and tv shows.

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