Our life, our rules pt. 1

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Hey there reader, 😄

Surprise surprise, as you figured from the title, I was not able to finish the story with one part thanks to my obsession with details; but you already know that. 😃

No worries, you won't have to wait for the second part that long; it will be up on Wednesday! ☺️
Enjoy! Let me know how you all like it!

Im so excited to share the ending with you all! 💖😘

Standing in front of the mirror in only panties and a crop top, I was starring at myself, trying to see any changes in my body as I was washing my teeth, anxiously waiting for the two pregnancy tests to show results.

The next morning Jared was already back from the pharmacy even before I woke up, waking me up to do them. It didn't matter how many times I told him not to have high hopes, he was so sure I am pregnant; claiming I just don't want to acknowledge the obvious changes.

Once three minutes passed, I washed my mouth and took a shaking breath as I picked up the two strips in each of my hands with closed eyes.

Opening them back up, I bit my lip hard, fighting a sob back as I hurriedly put on my robe.

Jared was sitting on the bed going through his phone but looked up to me eagerly as I walked back to the bedroom.

I did notice a big part of his beard was gone but my mind was occupied way too much to mention.

"So?" he asked frozen in place.

I couldn't even make a sound at first, I just started nodding like crazy as Jared stood up with wide eyes, opening his arms.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered in tears, finally breathing in.

"Get out!" Jared squeaked and in a split second he was up on his feet, hugging me so tight, lifting me up as I hugged his neck around still holding the tests.

After another squeeze, he put me down, slightly pushing me away taking the tests from me to have a look as well.

"I knew it! I so knew it; fucking hell Avery!" He seemed hyper and still in shock. "Damn!" he muttered, placing his hands onto his hips, stepping back. "We gonna have a baby," his eyes widened. "Oh, God, Av, are we really ready for this?"

His trembling voice was like a wake up call from a dream and I looked at him stunned, trying to say something as the blood ran out of my face.

"Are... are we?" I whispered uncertain.

He will back out. He will back out!

My mind was shouting at me as my tears fell, and I felt like I am going to faint.

"Jared..." I whined his name breathless; pleading he is not about to freak out.

"Flower, hey! I was just messing with you!" he smiled wide as he stepped back. "I'm soo excited, oh, baby," he smiled taking my hands.

"Go to hell!" I breathed, letting a sob leave my lips as I felt relief washing over me.

"I'm sorry. I love you," he smiled, hugging me tight.

"Can you believe this?" I asked still stunned as I grabbed into his shirt on his back. "We gonna have a baby. You and me. You and... me we gonna be parents..." I mostly said it to myself to get into the mindspace. "Together," I whispered.

Just then I realized how quickly we flipped our relationship upside down.

I fell so fast and so hard for him that I didn't even care that we have only been together nine months. We didn't even have our one year anniversary yet. In fact, I have never had a one year anniversary ever. And now I am going to have it with a baby on the way, already being engaged.

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