Surprising Mr. Leto

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Happy Sunday for all! ☺️

Hope you enjoy this "bonus" chapter; don't forget to vote if you did! 🥰 All new on Wednesday 😊
Comments (suggestions, views, discussions, saying "hi") are welcome as always 👋🏻^^

After almost a half a day journey from Los Angeles to London, I was now sitting in the car, what Olivia ordered for me to take me straight to the film studio where Jared currently is from the airport.

I was more than exhausted. My flight left around one in the afternoon, LA-time and arrived at London a bit after seven in the morning. I did some work on the plane then later on tried some sleep, but I was never the one who could sleep peacefully on airplanes; being surrounded with strangers. So, most of the time when I dozed off, I woke up to the smallest noise and when I was finally sleeping, I got woken up by the flight attendants, that it is time for landing.

Once in London, excitement took over me by the thought of surprising Jared, but it didn't last long as the driver informed me that the studio is two and half hours away.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat and pulled my phone out to continue listening to music. I was not used to not knowing everything ahead, and especially not used to having people take care of my travels and needs.

The outskirts of London were gloomy, rainy and very cold compared to January in Los Angeles. Although it was just about to hit ten o'clock in the morning, the dark only turned into a light grey as daytime approached.

After the security check, we drove through a high metal gate which opened for the car and I looked out of the window checking out the huge compound building, which was the studio.

Getting out of the vehicle, l saw many doors labeled with different stage names on the building. I felt lost and was just about to message Olivia when one of the doors opened, labeled stage 2 and a girl walked out checking her phone.

She wore a red shirt with Staff written on it in white, her long brown hair was in a ponytail, pulled through the hole of her baseball cap at the back.

"Hello there," she smiled looking up from her phone. "You must be Avery? The driver just messaged you arrived," she spoke with a thick Manchester accent.

Her green eyes slightly matching the color of mines.

I nodded and took her hand what she offered to shake.

"My name's Diana. Olivia filled me in on your plan of surprising Mister Leto. I ordered his lunch break longer so he doesn't finish too soon and leaves before you would arrive. He is a very good actor; he is killing the scenes, rarely needs any retakes," her jabber made me blink trying to follow.

"Oh... okay. Yeah, he is very good... so... Olivia is not here?" I asked.

"No. Sorry, yes... I'm Mister Leto's on-site assistant. Olivia's usually not around while he is working, but he needs the assistance to get around, since... well he likes to stay blind for the whole day," she explained, slowly easing down.

"Stay blind?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, see he ordered contacts that fully make him blind and he wears them even in his breaks; staying in character. Genius!" she gushed.

"Of course," I smiled gently.

Who else if not Jared?

I had no idea Olivia would be so strict about her working hours that she would just leave Jared behind while he is working and clearly needs help. I could have never done that even when he had sight and would have been just fine without me bringing his lunch into his dressing room.

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