One day

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I already am sending apologies to the readers who like to have a "happily ever after" flow to the story they read :D 

I swear I am working on it but sadly life is not a fanfiction :D

Aright, but for real; enjoy and update is coming real soon ^^ 

Arriving to the hilly side of California, leaving the car behind we started walking through the path, up to the hill.

It wasn't hard; it was a nice walk on an easy road; even I was able to follow the clear path through the rocky woods for the next 15 minutes.

We didn't really talk, just walked in comfortable silence, taking the surroundings in, occasionally passing some people as Jared clearly was in a hurry to get to some calmer place.

Suddenly he turned right from the path into the bushy jungle.

"Here we take a detour," he said walking through the rocks and bushes like his second home.

"Aright," I nodded but had to carefully plan my steps, trying to follow his ones.

Reaching a fence what separated the trail and its surroundings for safety reasons, Jared quickly jumped it through then turned back to me.

"I'm... not sure, Jared, can't we just stay on this side? This fence seems to be here for a reason," I started uncertain as I saw how steep the other side is with all sizes of rocks and bushes disappearing onto the side of the hill.

"Come on, Av, I have been here countless times. The forbidden side is always more beautiful," he smiled.

"Well, yeah but... You know what you are doing, I'm not sure if..."

"Avery, you have to live a little," he said motioning with his hand to follow.

"Yeah I do, that's why I don't want to cross," I stated stepping closer to the fence. "Also, what if we get caught?"

Jared huffed as he pushed his sunglasses onto his head looking at me impatiently.

"If we get caught I'll pay the fine, now come, don't be a baby, you can trust me. I'm not gonna push you off a cliff," his voice got irritated, and the last thing I wanted was to him to get annoyed by my whining.

I sighed and nodded, grabbing the fence, which reached until my rib cage, quickly thinking how to climb through when I felt Jared's firm hands grab under my shoulders.

"Legs up!"

I pulled them up and Jared lifted me to the other side like I have no weight at all.

"Wow... thanks, "I smiled up to him and he returned the smile then grabbed my hand.

"Come, I'll guide you before you slip and die," he said mockingly.

It wasn't that bad as I thought but he guided me dangerously close to the edge of the hill.

"We gonna have to climb down a bit. See that cliff reaching out?" he asked pointing down.

We were not that high above, as we didn't walk all the way up, but steep enough to make me dizzy just looking down.

I squeezed his hand even more as I leaned in, to see the huge cliff he was talking about, couple feet below us.

"It's alright, we can crouch down and go down that way; nothing dangerous."

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