Leaving night

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Hey there, reader,

Thank you for all the well wishes, I am back on track! 💪🏼😊

Enjoy this chapter and let me know if you would like to read a flashback next or you are ready for some more drama as Avery arrives to the office party?

As promised, Jared got home early afternoon on Wednesday, just as I to spend our last day together which wasn't as much fun as I hoped for. He had to pack, so we went to his place and I helped him pack two suitcases full and one suitcase only for his beloved Gucci accessories.

We had food break and by the time we were ready the Sun was setting and since he has to wake up super early we decided to go to bed early.

To my surprise, when I got out of the bathroom in one of Jared's over sized shirts and my panties, Jared was sitting in bed, under the covers, laptop in his lap, glasses on, which was a rare moment. He looked focused and so cute, I just sneaked under the blanket next to him, grabbing my phone.

"Look, if the paps won't leave you alone just come here; you know you can move in any time," Jared stated as he looked up to me from his laptop as I was checking social media if they are giving out my address.

I smiled at him touched; him not even realizing he just casually offered me to move in... okay maybe not with him, because he won't be home but anyway.

"Thanks... I will see. They probably know you will be away, then I won't be that interesting anymore," smiling I turned back to my phone.

"Could be," nodding he turned his attention back to his laptop.

Around an hour passed with both of us quietly getting lost in our own devices, but for the past twenty minutes I was just scrolling through instagram bored, hoping Jared finishes up with whatever he is doing soon, but it didn't seem to happen.

Did I want sex? Not the slightest, to be honest, but I also missed his closeness and I knew this is our last night together for some time and I didn't want to leave him hanging.

Although he did seem calm and careless in the past days without sex, but I knew now he just doesn't dare to mention it because he knows I don't enjoy. And I really did miss him, but I was also scared of the pain.

Even though we both knew there was an issue what needed to be talked about, none of us brought it up since yesterday evening when it turned out pregnancy is not the cause.

But at least, now that he knows that was why I acted off and avoided him he stopped giving me the cold shoulder.

"What'ya doin'?" I asked with a smile, moving closer, hugging his upper arm around, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked at the screen, seeing a bunch of new merch samples for Mars Island this year.

"Deciding on some styles," he answered as he was picking out colors and fonts. "We are way behind with the Mars store update..."

"Can I help?" I asked remembering the times when I spent days creating ideas with Jared and putting them into action, amazed by seeing the clothes come alive and just generally having so much fun in the process.

He did have a team of help but as usual, he loved being in control of his own brand, working on it day and night.

"Nah, these are just the last changes before sending them forward," muttering his eyes were glued onto the screen and I sighed, stroking through his arm.

I really wanted to remind him that this is our last night together, but I also knew how he does not approve of dragging him away from work. Everything has to go as he planned, and if he planned to finish it today, then no one can tell him otherwise.

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