Apart - phone calls

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Hey, everyone, hope you all doing great! ^^

Back again with another chapter. Before anyone would wonder, I didn't mention what year it is in the story because, to be honest I don't think it is a big deal, and the timeline and filming locations of Jared's are not matching the real time and location, so don't overthink. :D

Please vote if you liked the chapter, thank u <3

Arriving back home I took a couple of deep breaths before I got out of the car.

Grabbing my handbag, over-packed with my stuffs I had laying around in Jared's house, I made my way into my apartment.

Once in, I lazily kicked my shoes down, letting my handbag fall to the floor as I looked up just to see Lynn smiling from the kitchenette.

"Avery! Welcome home!" grinning skipping towards me.

"Hey," I smiled halfheartedly.

"Oh... how are you feeling?" she asked pouting, rubbing my arms.

"I'm okay..." I shrugged.

"Fake! Your eyes could speak a whole poem. But no worry, I know what would cheer you up," she smiled pulling me towards the counter.

I tried to look excited as I followed her.

"I knew you gonna be sour as hell today so I prepared a wee something for the best gals' night to cheer you up," she started as she opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of something with green leaves in it and ice. "Mojito paired with a playlist of the early two thousand's... aaand..." she pulled a magazine from top of the counter behind her. "Cosmopolitan," she grinned excited.

"Oh gosh, that magazine still exists?" I shook my head having a look on it.

"Of course, and only getting dirtier by the issue," Lynn wiggled her eyebrows as I peeked at her then down to the headline of the magazine.

"5 reasons to go down on your man's hole...?" I raised my eyebrow looking at Lynn who smiled wide. "Are you serious?"

"What? There's like different quizzes, like how to tell when your other half's faking it... or... best foreplay for a good anal sex... and..."

"Lynn, I'm not gonna go into these... especially with you!" I stated stunned shaking my head.

"What? Why?" she whined.

"You are my little cousin..."

"But we used to read cosmo all the time..."

"Yes, when it was about girly stuffs not... something you shouldn't even know about!" I frowned.

"Avery... have you ever had anal?" she asked as she took two glasses to poor some drinks.

"Uh... Of course, not... Gosh..." I wrinkled my nose.

"Well..." she looked at me with a grin. "You should try, it's not that bad if your man knows what he's doing, and I bet Jared does."

I looked at her in disbelief as she pushed the glass into my hand.

"Come, it's gonna be fun!"

"Oh my..." I muttered having some big sips. "How was today, though?" I asked trying to get into a new and more interesting topic as we moved to sit onto the couch.

"Oh the Studio visit was great! Oh, my God, the Friends set up. I sat on the couch, have you checked my Instagram? It's up there," she smiled swinging her legs up onto the couch.

"Yeah, love that too. I haven't been there for so long, there must be some new stuffs," I stated lost in thoughts then looked back at Lynn. "You liked James and Haley?"

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