Moving on

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Surprise! A Chpater in time! 😊 Happy Easter!

I had a calm weekend and managed to finish this part, but I still can't promise frequent updates and therefore the end probably comes later than May.

Enjoy! 😊

After waving good bye to Constance on the airport, I lingered there for another few minutes just watching people.

Parents were trying to keep their excited kids by their side while other families with older kids were waiting in line for the check-in talking and laughing about.

Friend groups and student groups were gathering for the start of their spring break; fooling around happily while their parents watched them leave with concern in their eyes.

Lovers were cuddling each other, giggling around.

I smiled lightly, enjoying the energy around me; the people, the crowd. It made me miss those years I have been working with Jared. The once annoying daily flying and jet-leg now were something I wished I could get back. I missed organizing; I missed the beautiful chaos we were living in; and oh, how it would be now that Jared and I are together.

I imagine, I would give him a good luck kiss every time he goes out to stage; although he most definitely wouldn't need it. I imagine I would massage and comfort him after a long day behind; making sure he restores his energy. I would cuddle up to him on the long haul flights...

"Excuse me; are you in the line?" a voice of a lady snapped me out of my daydreaming, and I looked back at her with a tight smile, shaking my head.

"No... I'm sorry..." I said as I stepped away, and taking a deep breath I walked out to the car and hopping in I drove back to Jared's house.

Driving closer to the gate, I narrowed me eyes, focusing on the person who I saw standing in front of the gate, seemingly ringing the bell over and over again.

Slowly pulling up, my hand clenched on the stirring wheel as I recognized the woman.

Her long, now mostly silver blond waves were dancing around her face in the wind of the hills. She wore tight, high-wasted white jeans, with a light blue, silk blouse, revealing her plastic boobs for some reason she was so proud of.

I was thinking to just keep driving and never look back but my jealous, possessive side just wanted to drag her into the mud. And that side of me was getting stronger and stronger by the second, and so I stepped onto the break aggressively, getting out of the car immediately.

"Lora... you never give up, do you? Do you even have a life?" I asked, quickly tying my hair back with the tie on my wrist, getting ready for the worst.

"So it IS true," she turned to me with hate. "Miss Gold Digger moved in even if the prince charming is out of town."

"You know it is flattering that you take time to think about new name ideas for me but Avery is just gonna do fine," I stated crossing my arms on my chest.

"Oh, look who got a big mouth since she is getting fucked by a rockstar! Highlight of your life, isn't it?"

"Lora," I sighed. "Jared knows you are stalking me. He already wanted to involve a lawyer. I was the one asking him not to. Please don't make us go through court."

I hoped this will make her stop.

"Of course you had to go ahead and spit, yeah? Well, you know, girl, you are not the only one who he shared his bed with. I had a whole lot of fun under him just as well, right in this house, right where you are probably now sleeping," she raised her eyebrow and I shivered by the thought, but I tried really hard not to let it get to me. "And as for a PR student and a huge fan... I couldn't resist the idea of having that memory recorded."

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