CHAPTER 32 : Albert

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Author's P.O.V.


She smiled at first. " Son, this is ...."


"... Albert, my suitor." She said with a smile, staring hopefully at him.

Harvey looked at the person, assessing if he's serious about this --- about her mom and that. He had a genuine smile on his lips and the guy looks trustworthy, his aura spreads kindness but mysterious at the same time. He then look at his mother, she looks happy , ... contented and when she turned to look at Albert you can see the sparks in their eyes, the eyes that seemed to say they're 'in love'.

Harvey didn't see this spark in his mother's eyes before. Every time her mother sees his father, there was just a simple --- stare, no sparks or anything. It's not that they don't interact with each other, they were both caring and they both raised and nurtured him well. But there's always something that is missing from their relationship, and that's that and something else...

"Son?" His mother called in a warm voice, Harvey can sense that his mother was wary because he didn't answer. So he smiled sincerely, that made his mother smile brightly again with the tears of joy that's threatening to spill.

The man stepped forward to be the same level as his mother, a sincere, grateful smile in his lips. What Albert (the man) did next stunned him. He pulled him to a manly hug, but more of a fatherly hug. He didn't want to be rude so he did the same. It's strange feeling close to him this fast, but he put the thought in the back of his mind and decided to not worry or think more of it.

"It's nice to finally meet you Harvey. Your mother always talks about you, and indeed you grew up well." he patted his back like he's his son that achieved a great success then pulled away. Albert's hands was in Harvey's shoulders, he was looking at him proudly then sigh and went back to Rose's (Harvey's mom) side.


Angel decided to speak and greet them after a few seconds that passed, that no one spoke.

"Hello ma'm and sir, I'm Angel hehe . It's nice to meet the two of you." she greeted enthusiastically, then hugged Rose and Albert warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too Angel. You look lovely"said Rose. A motherly smile spreads across her face while looking at Angel then Harvey. "Are you his girlfriend dear?"she asked out of curiosity, an innocent look on her face. Harvey coughed at the question, he never pictured her as that.

Angel turned to Harvey then asked ."Harv, what's a girlfriend? " her face was filled with innocence, like a new baby born to this world.

"Let's eat first and do the chatting later." Nanny said. Everyone agreed."Again, welcome back!!!" She excitedly led all of them to the dinning room.

Angel was still confused of the meaning, but let it go for now.


They arrived at the dinning room.

"Thank you for all of this nanny. We really appreciate it, but you didn't have to cook so many. " Rose said and smiled.

"No problem. Now, have a seat, everyone take a seat." She gestured to all of us.

"Come and join us nanny. There's plenty of food, we wouldn't finish it with just us. Call the others to join us too." Rose told her politely. Jane smiled, nodded and called the others. They all took a seat and waited for everyone.

When everyone arrived --- the five (5) servants (including nanny) the two (2) drivers, they started to eat.


They were eating silently, only the ting sounds of the spoon and fork can be heard. Then, nanny broke it because of curiosity.

"Um... ma'm is it okay to ask you something?" She asked hesitantly. Rose nodded with a smile. All ears were listening.


Jane smiled excitedly before speaking, she really is curious about it. "How did you two meet? I mean, what's your love story?"

Rose didn't hesitate one bit. She was not shy about it. "It all started ...."

To be continued. . .


Hey guys!!!

Sorry for not updating in 5 days. I admit I was kinda lazy in those days. Hehe sorry about that.

I promise to make it up to you (^_^) (I hope I'll not fail. Hehe .)

Thank you for reading!!! Don't forget ( if you want) to vote 🌟, share and comment. You can also follow me in my account here in watty.

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