Chapter 20:Announcement

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Heaven's P.O.V.

It was Monday. School day!!!

I woke up early today because I can't wait to learn other things. And... .I'm also in a good mood.. *giggles*

After I took a bath I dressed myself in our school uniform. It was a nice uniform.

I wonder what does he look like when he's in his uniform.

I brushed my wavy hair and just let it fall down to my sides. I added a cute ribbon clip so that it won't fall directly to my face. And it also adds a little color and design to my hair. I like it.

In the mirror, as I stare at my reflection, I sigh and smiled happily with my look. Simple.

Grabbing my bag, I exited my room and went downstairs. And what suprised me is that Harvey was there. Leaning at the door frame. Hands in his pocket and head was hung low.

When he heard my footsteps, his head slowly turned to my direction, and our eyes stare at each other.




My heart is beating fast. Stop it heart!

Once I reached his place, I diverted my gaze somewhere but him. I can't let this affect me. I have to greet him, that would be rude if I don't. So, I gathered myself.

"Good morning!!!" I chirped. I placed a warm smile to my face then stare at him.

"Good morning."He said plainly but at least he put up a little smile to his face, that's enough for now.

"Why are you still here? Where's Calix?" I was curious. They were usually the ones who go to school together.

"He went ahead. And... I'm waiting for you."he murmured the last part a little. I smiled at his answer. I checked my 'phone'. ....Only 15 MINUTES LEFT!

"Well then , let's go!!!"I said excitedly. I grabbed his hand then we both got out. There, Carlo was waiting beside the car. When he saw us he hurriedly went to the driver's seat.  Once Harvey and I was in the car, he sped off.


When we reached school I got out and faced Harvey when he got out of the car too.

"I'll see you later!"I gave one last smile then sped of to class.


When I got there, the teacher wasn't there. The students kept on talking.

I took a seat then placed my bag at my side. I then placed my chin in my folded arms that is placed on my table. I just listened to the noise around until the one that entered got my intention. Well not just me, my classmates as well. Especially the girls.

It was Harvey.

All the girls in class was gawking at him. Staring at him like he's a prize or something.

I felt an emotion that I can't name.

'He's mine!' my inner self half whined and shouted in my head. What's wrong with you brain? He's just my friend.

I then ignored my thought and instead waved and smiled at him.

He gave me a tight smile and started walking towards me. I noticed that the seat beside me was empty. Now, it was occupied by my new friend... Harvey.

"Is this your first subject?"

"Yeah. Mathematics."was his reply. We will be classmates! Yey!

"That's great! We will be having the same class!" I chirped.

He just gave me a tight smile then hung his head low.

Just then the teacher came in.

"Good morning class."she greeted formally.

"Good morning miss!"we greeted. Then class started.


After her discussion. She told us that she will be announcing something that's why she ended her lesson 10 mins. Before her time ends.

"Today I have an announcement for all of you."my classmates share a knowing look. As to me, I was left confused. The teacher continued talking. "The grand ball will happen in two months time...."they all cheered at that."...all must wear the traditional color clothing. Red, white and black. No exemptions." They all nodded." All of us is required to wear a mask for a reason. Again, no exemptions. Be ready for the ball when time comes."she gathered her stuff and was about to leave when she stopped and faced us." Oh! And one last thing... Ready yourself for a suprise."

With that she left leaving some, confused and some excited about the suprise.

To be continued. . .



I'll try my best to update faster next time.

Thank you for reading! Hope you like it!

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