Chapter 33: The...

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Hehehe, sorry if this is always an author's P.O.V. Comment who's P.O.V. would you like the next chapter to have. (^_^)


Author's P.O.V.

After Rose told their love story and they finished their dinner, all of them went to their own perspective rooms and areas. The last one to go back was Angel, Harvey, his mom and Albert

"Thank you, for accepting Albert son."Rose said gratefully and with relief then he hugged Harvey.

He responded back and closed his eyes to savor the moment, it's been weeks since he felt his mother's warm embrace. They say no one can top it because a mother's touch will never feel the same like the others.

He's happy knowing her mom moved on, it was painful for her that she experienced such a thing. He missed his dad but he still hates him for doing that to his mother, she never did anything wrong to feel like that.

Harvey decided to welcome this man (Albert) to their lives but if he did something wrong to his mom, all hell will loose.


Angel swelled in happiness seeing the two hug each other, she wished she could have a mom to hug like that. Hopefully she'll gain her memories back, it always feel like something's missing in her life and she wants to know it. Soon...

Harvey and Rose hugged each other tightly for the last time and let go, it was Albert's turn. They tapped each other's back then he gave him a reassuring and warning look that says 'hurt her or I'll kill you. '

Albert just smiled then held Rose by the waist and they went up to their rooms--- they're not sharing a room.


Harvey turned to Angel who's staring at his mother and Albert lovingly. She looks so cute and beautiful at the same time.

"Well good night Harv, see you tomorrow!" Angel waved goodbye, smiled then turned to leave when Harvey grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall.

Angel was flustered by the sudden bold move. Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape, her breath hitched and she stood there frozen in place. Butterflies started to build up in her stomach.

Slowly, as if the time slowed down its pace, he started moving his head closer. Their lips were only half an inch apart. The deafening sound of her heartbeat rang through her ears.




"You really look beautiful."with that he kissed her cheek then walked straight to the stairs with his hands on his pocket, not looking back.

She was still stunned at what he did just now, still in the position she's in. The butterflies in her stomach exploded like the fireworks at night.

A minute passed and she slowly got over it. The tingling sensation still lingers at the spot where his lips was previously there.

She touched the area, confusion was starting to build up in her system.

She started walking back to her room with one thought or a question in her head.

'What happened back there?'


Harvey scolded himself for a million times ones he was back in his room.

He couldn't explain what got into him that he .... he... arggghh!!!

What happened back there!

To be continued . . .


I wonder what got into Harvey. Hmmm.. let's see. (^_-)

Hey guys!!!

Here's an update! !!! Yey!! (I think I'm just the only one who's happy... hehe.)

Sorry for the long wait! (^_^) School is starting, but I'm hoping that I can update 3x a week at least.

Thank you for reading!!! Don't forget  ( if you want) to vote, share, comment and follow me in my account (^_-)

Until next time! 👋👐👍

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