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(Author's Note: Warning in advance... This is a slow paced story....editing is not my strongest point.... there will be some ups and downs. A few leaps....some boring bits to pull the story together...but we'll do it together please be patient with me. Comments and feedback are appreciated.Many thanks👍👍⚘⚘💖💖
I would just like to thank everyone who has left comments and feedback. I really enjoy reading the predictions...they really inspire me to continue.... please dont forget to vote.
Many thanks😙😙)

The banging of the door woke her up with a fright.

Sanem had worked through most of the night...somehow she had managed to drag herself to bed in the early hours. Not really remembering how she got there.

Coming to her senses, hand on her forehead "Oh Asli." She moaned getting out of bed. Asli, the publishing office's equivalent to, CeyCey...but not as energetic.

Sanem could swear the two were cut from the same cloth. Just as she and CeyCey had become good friends on meeting, Asli had done the exactly the same.

She was living away from home and was living in Sanem's building. She was also Sanem's co-worker at the office.

They would travel to work together by bus, but now Sanem had a car. On days Sanem worked at home Asli would use the car...it was easier than using the bus.

"Coming." Sanem screamed...dragging her blanket with her...the banging continued "Hold your horses." Opening the door to a smiling Asli.

"Good morn..." How could someone be so lively first thing in the morning?...Sanem thought for a moment...well...that was her... not too long ago.

"Don't." Sanem said putting her hands up, she knew that wasn't going to achieve anything.

Asli came into the living room...  leaving Sanem at the open front door.

"You look like shit. God have you got a hangover or something" 
Asli joked.... and continued "...come to think of it you wouldn't look half as bad if you had been hungover."

"Asli please, I'm really not in the mood, I've been working most of the night....and now thanks to you I'm awake first thing. I thought I could get at least a few hours' sleep." Yawning while saying this, Sanem fell onto the couch covering her self with her blanket.

"I'm sorry Sanem if I'd known I wouldn't have..."

"Hey its fine...don't worry about it, anyway what are you doing here so early. You do realise it's the weekend."

"I know, I thought we'd take advantage of it...go to one of the islands, make a day out of it. I've even packed lunch for us."

Rubbing her eyes with her palms and yawing again, "I'm really not in the mood Asli."

"Oh come on Sanem...you're awake now anyway....and look. " Pointing out the window "Are we not going to take advantage of this gorgeous day?"

Taking the blanket off her, Asli pulled Sanem from the couch, "Come on... get dressed, we'll have breakfast by the docks...go... get changed I'll tidy up in here."

Clutching at the blanket Sanem stopped and looked around. She had turned red from embarrassment...the place was a tip.

She just didn't have the strength to clean up last night. Although normally a very organised person these day's she just couldn't get it together.

Fifteen minutes later the two of them had settled down to breakfast at the local tea/coffee bar by the docks.

"So...." Asli asked not wanting to pressurise her.

"So...hmm...So nothing, just a bad night.

"Everything ok back home."

"Yes...it's just some news I received last night..." Asli had been one of the people she had confided in since she had settled here. "My sister told me that Can was getting engaged last night ."


"Asli I really don't want to talk about it...at the moment, I want to forget."

"That's fine...you know I'm here anytime Ok." Putting her hand on Sanem's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you..." They took a stroll by the shore...memories flooded back of the time when she and Can had been by the shore...in the water...shaking the thoughts away.

"So what are we going to do then?" Sanem asked.

"Well I've booked us tickets on a boat that well take us to one of the islands. There's a forest walk... we can go for a walk around the route and there are plenty of flowers  you could pick."

That was it.... Asli knew how to get Sanem's attention. Just the mention of the flowers and she was sold. She continued on...

"It will just be fun to get away for the day. Then we can have our lunch. Oh there's some local markets we can browse around but no buying" Sanem tended to get carried away at the markets. "we'll be back by evening."

The day passed by so quickly...they went for the forest walk...where Sanem  picked many different flowers. Some she recognised and some wild ones that she would experiment with.

She would create a new cream for herself; the scent of the flowers was magnificent.

She was constantly making new scented perfumes and creams...but never her original fragrance.

Sanem had vowed never to recreate the scent that had attracted her to Can. The last vial she had made was in a safe place along with the written rights and step by step instructions of ingredients.

In due course it would be given to the person who had given more importance to a scent then to her. "Stop Sanem don't do this to yourself." Her inner voice willed her. She put away the flowers in a safe place.

They had lunch in the picnic area..like always Asli had packed enough to feed an army. By the time they had finished both were so bloated....they were sure to be full till tomorrow.

After lunch they took a walk to the local markets where Sanem couldn't resisit buying small orniments.

Her apartment was cluttered with them. Asli had to drag her away from a few stall"s where Sanem was bargaining to buy things she didn't really need.

Before they knew it the day had passed and they were making their way back to the boat.

Like Asli had promised they were back by evening. Asli lived on the second floor... a floor below Sanem...Sanem thanked her for the day. Both girls wishing each other goodnight before going into their own safe havens.

The weekend passed in a blur, Can had spent most of it at the cabin. The next few weeks were very important at the office.

They were in negotiations with a big clothing line company. They were completing with three other advertising agencies. Can was scheduled to attend meetings all through the week.

It was Monday morning he was on his way to see Metin...like the engagement he'd been putting this meeting off for as long as he could...but not anymore. They had arranged to meet outside of the office. At Can's insistence, as it was personal matter.

Greeting each other they sat down...ordering two soft drinks Can got straight to it.

"Metin I need you to do me a favour."

(Please don't forget to vote... Even the silent readers...comments and feedback is much appreciated. Many thanks👍👍⚘⚘💖💖.)

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