🏵Chapter Forty-Seven🏵

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(Hey guys I can't express how grateful I am to everyone who has taken the time to read vote and comment... it really means a lot to me. I would like to thank my loyal readers...silent readers. Existing and new followers and everyone who has added the story to their reading list. I really appreciate it.⚘⚘⚘⚘❤❤❤)

"Sanem..." Can whispered.

She stood up....he quickly grabbed her hand...stopping her. She stood still... slowly turning around....looking at their hands. She still avoided looking at him. Trying to to pull her hand free. But he had entwined his fingers with her's pulling her down....to sit back down...only this time closer to him their shoulders touching.

"Please...Sanem....stay...please." Can pleaded....


Damla dragged a still protesting Yousef to the end of the hall.

"Damla stop...what have you done?" He said releasing his hand.

"I did something that should have been done long ago. They're playing around each other...like cat and mouse...just a game of hide and seek. It's time to sort thing's out like adults. Yousef there're parents to that beautiful baby boy...if even for his sake...they need to sort thing's out. You and I both know how they feel about each other. It's their stubborness and pride that's adding up their differences. It's high time they faced up to thing's." Damla said with one breath. "Come on Yousef you know I'm right." She finshed, once again taking hold of his hand.

Yousef closed his eyes and let her lead him away.

"Oh God why do I...." Damla never let him finish his sentence...stopping...she grabbed him by his collor and brought his mouth down on her's in a long deep kiss.

"Because you love me." Damla replied kissing him again "Come on Lale is at grans...lets make the most of it."


"He's so beautiful...just perfect." Can said almost to himself. Looking at the sleeping baby.

Sanem sat in silence...101 thoughts running around in her head. She didn't want to, but for her son's sake every now and again her eyes would glance in their direction. She closed her eye's...without realising it, she had let out a loud sigh....quickly Opening them again.

Can looked up and their eyes met...he held her gaze. She couldn't tear her eyes away...but she finally managed to brake the stare. She had been fighting for the past year...well over a year to be precise. She had been fighting...but with who. Had she been wrong from the start? She had been doubting her decision for a while.

He held her son with so much tenderness. It seemed like he thought he was going to break him, he was so careful.

Since Damla had dragged Yousef out...which now seemed so long ago. They had been sitting there...his fingers still entwined around her's. She had struggled but only caused pain to herself. His grip only tightened....so she had given up, it was pointless. Ayman was still asleep, soon...he would be waking up for his feed. To top it off she was out of her expressed milk....and there was no way he would take formula....not when she was around.

What was going to happen he hadn't said anything. All he was doing was staring at Ayman...like...like...he. Then it slowly dawned on her....he was staring at Ayman just the way she did...with love, admiration....but she could also see regret and longing. Wanting to break the silence...that was eating at her....and the fact that her hand almost felt numb.

"Can you let go of my hand please." Sanem asked quietly.

"No..." He simply said....his eyes still on the sleeping baby. His hand still holding her's.

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