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The Doctor applied gel to Polen's tummy, she used a hand held device to spread the gel. The baby came in to view. "There's baby's arms, legs.. head." The doctor went on.

Polen had taken hold of Can's hand...he was unaware...looking at the screen in a daze. His baby...Oh God...if only... blinking away a tear.

"Would you like to know what you're having?"

"Can you tell...it's not too early?" Can asked.

"No your past si..."

"Yes please." Polen said cutting her off...looking at Can.

"It's up to you." He said "I don't mind."

"Well let's see...ok so I can see yes....congratulations you're having a baby girl."

"Thank you so much." Polen said happily...wiping away the excess gel.

"Wait a minute...I just need to check baby's heartbeat." Putting the monitor on...the baby's heartbeat could be heard loud and clear.

It was amazing Can thought...the heart beat...seeing the baby on the screen. This was his baby... his responsibility...A baby girl...for her sake he had to move on...he had to let go of the past.

Letting go was one thing... but forgetting was a totally a different matterand. Too be honest to himself he wasn't sure he could do either but he had to try.

Huma was even more excited when they went home....asking a hundred questions. Can left them to it and went to his room.

Sighing to himself....how life had played this trick on him...

The news of the baby was sure to be out pretty soon enough. Polen was just starting to slightly show. In a few weeks it couldn't be missed. He didn't give a crap about the office finding out, Hell...there was already word going around...he had heard.

He just dreaded what a few people would think of him after finding out. People he'd come to love and respect as his own.

Nihat and Mevkibe, they had treated him as one of their own. He hadn't seen them since the night she'd gone away.

After the confrontation outside the club he had headed home but had stopped midway. He'd thought long and hard, he couldn't let her leave like this. Ok it wasn't like she was leaving the country...just the company...but still....he couldn't leave it like this. Getting his head together he'd gone after her.

Finding himself outside her family home...he rang the doorbell...the door opening to a tearful Mevkibe.

"Can...son welcome, come in."

"Mevkibe Hanim is everything ok. Where's Sanem?"

"Love Sanem's gone...she's left the city."

"What...I...I just saw her... how..."

"Love Osman just dropped her off at the airport."

Sitting down at the table he put both hands to cover his face.

"Love she just told us two days ago."

"So she was leaving anyway?"

"Like I said two days ago."

"But where has she gone...why? she can't...she can't just leave like that. We have unfinished business. We're mar...."

"Can bey what are you doing here?" Layla came in interrupting him.

"Layla did you know she was leaving?"

Finding Our Way Back Home Can/SanemWhere stories live. Discover now