🏵Chapter Forty-Three🏵

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(Hey guys...I would just like to thank🙏🙏 my regular readers, new readers,  silent readers and the readers for who English is not their first language...🙏🙏thank you to all my existing followers and new followers and everyone who has added this story to their library. For taking the time to view...vote and especially to readers who have taken the time to write all those wonderful  comments...I really appreciate them. Please share my story if possible.  This chapter is the longest I've written...it takes time and effort so please be kind🙏🙏...Many thanks 💖💖💖⚘)

"Oh well...." He smiled...leaning closer "Are you sure about that." Catching her breath she closed her eyes... feeling his breath on her lips....

"I'll be in touch..." He said...pushing her away gently and walked out.


As soon as he was out of her apartment, he covered he's face with his hand...he then rubbed his beard vigorously with his fisted hand...what had just happened?

How the hell had it gone from talking about seeing the baby to....to demanding a DNA test. What was he going to do...how could he have asked for a DNA test. He needed a way out of this...there was no way he was going through with it...put her through that. He didn't need proof...he just needed a way out.

'Shit..." He sighed...banging the wall with his palm, in frustration. He regretted how he'd handled the whole situation. Oh God...he'd just made it difficult for him-self. He didn't know what came over him...when he was close to her he couldn't control his mind or his heart.

As soon as he reached his room he dialled the number of the only person who could help him at this time.

"Hello...Can son, is everything ok?"

"Aunt Mevkibe...did you know about Ayman?" He blurted out...getting straight  to the point.

"Can...yo...you found out..." Mevkibe put a hand to cover her mouth.

"Did you know?" He asked again...he knew the answer to his question...he was just frustrated.

"Son...do you think if we had known she was pregnant before she left....we would have let her go?"

"I know...I'm sorry but it's been tough." He wiped his hand over his face.

"I only realised the truth after you came to see me." Mevkibe told him truthfully.

"Aunty...you could have told me...at the ti.." Can said.

"And then what? Hu...you go back demanding your rights...like I'm assuming you've have done. No...I'm glad you told me everything before you found out...at least...I know you love my daughter."

"Of course I love her." He sighed.

"How did you find out?" Mevkibe asked.

Can thought for a moment...'Sanem hasn't told them the baby had not been well. Or she would have definitely not been this calm.'

"That doesn't matter...Aunty...the thing is...she's denying it. Didn't you  ask her when you found out?"

"Son...we nearly lost our daughter... when she left, no one knew except Ayhan. Layla found out a few months later...at the same time we overheard their conversation. We even stopped talking to her for refusing to tell us who the father was." Taking a breath she continued. "Our daughter has been through enough. That's why I told you to leave it; I gave you a way out. I told you it was complicated a lot has happened in the year."

"Yes...she had my baby...she hid him from me...I missed out on so much..."

"What did you expect...Son...you were on the verge of getting married...even if, for the baby's sake. God..if you hadn't found out about Polen you would be married by now" Mevkibe said. "Look...Can, we can carry on with this...but it's not a blame game if it comes to that then we are all to blame to some extent...all of us except Sanem. Ok maybe she could have done some things differently but.." Mevkibe said, carrying on "Sanem took such a drastic step and married you without our consent...because she loved you. Now I don't know what happened between the two of you... but you...yourself said it was your fault...."

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