🌼Bonus 1🌼

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(ok so....Here are the bonus chapters. I feel that my story has become more like a novel  but like I mentioned in the note my imagination runs away... and I'm totally crap at editing...I realise it has been a long while but please bare with me we will make in the end. These bonus chapters have taken me a while to write and type these up so please be kind...⚘⚘💖💖)

"Awww...It really hurts..." Sanem tried to suppress her scream.

"Of course its going to hurt darling...you're having a baby."

"Shut up...Ayhan." Sanem snapped, trying to roll out of bed. It was 2:00 in the morning...over the past few weeks the cramps had intensified. Ayhan had been rubbing her right calf for the last ten minutes....this had been her third cramp tonight the first in her right thigh, then just by her right ankle and now in the right calf. Her poor right leg....tomorrow she would be waddling  lopsided.

She cursed herself for speaking too soon. Just as she was getting over the cramp her left leg decided to have a piece of the action as a sharp cramping pain exerted through her leg.

"Ohh...God...Ayhan it's the left leg now."

With her eyes closed Ayhan started rubbing her left leg.

"Calm down Sanemsi...it's not helping if you get agitated."

"What am I supposed to do grin and bear it?"

"No...of course not...but let's try breathing through it...come on breath in and out....now again deep breath in and out." Ayhan demonstrated.

"Ayhan I'm not having contractions..." Although it wasn't a time for joking....looking at Ayhan impression of the breathing exercises bought a slight smirk to Sanems lips...and eased the pain...well it took her mind of it for a few seconds.

"It's just my luck...most women would probably experience one or two difficult pregnancy symptoms. Well the very lucky Sanem Aydin has had the pleasure of probably every known symptom...I feel I've had them all. As this is my first and last pregnancy I have been blessed...From Nausea, to heart burn...to piles...to carpal tunnel...to cramps...oh God."

"Ok...Ok I get the picture."

"No Ayhan its not fair...." Just at that moment the baby decided to make an appearance...Sanem continued "To top it off baby shows herself and I can't even complain." She gently rubbed her rounded belly.

"Sanemsi it'll be all worth it in the end."

"I know Ayhan...I can't wait, but these cramps are really getting to me...even worse I really can't move much these days it's not helping."

"Everything ok?" Alsi came in carrying two cups of hot chocolate.

"Asli look at the time." Sanem huffed.

"So it's Saturday, there's no work....we can sleep in."

"No we can't...remember...well I can't, I need to run a few errands. I also need to go into the shop..."

"Sanem... what did I say about calming down. Just have your drink and settle down...pffft...running a few errands." Ayhan said shaking her head.

Ayhan had been there nearly a month...at her last doctor's appointment the doctor had told Sanem that although baby position was right the baby had not dropped...baby was still too high.

After carrying out a thorough check, the doctor informed Sanem that there was a high chance she would go past her due date. She was given advice of what she could do to help baby drop. They booked her in for induction of labour, two weeks after her due date.

At this stage she was finding it difficult to do even the simplest tasks. Even though she loved every moment of her pregnancy. She was desperate for it to be over...and finally be able to hold her baby in her arms.

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